Hey just wondering if this ds script is optimal meaning 2 things it saves data no matter what and it is not exploitable
local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local DataStoreModule = require(1936396537) -- DataStore2 Module
-- Define the data keys and their default values
local dataKeys = {
-- leaderstats
{name = "Cash", defaultValue = 0, dataType = "IntValue", parent = "leaderstats"},
{name = "Kills", defaultValue = 0, dataType = "IntValue", parent = "leaderstats"},
{name = "Kill Streak", defaultValue = 0, dataType = "IntValue", parent = "leaderstats"},
{name = "KDR", defaultValue = 0, dataType = "NumberValue", parent = "leaderstats"},
-- non leaderstats stats
{name = "Deaths", defaultValue = 0, dataType = "IntValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"},
{name = "Highest Kill Streak", defaultValue = 0, dataType = "IntValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"},
{name = "Highest Cash", defaultValue = 0, dataType = "IntValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"},
{name = "Reserved Ammo", defaultValue = 15, dataType = "IntValue", parent = "nonleaderstats", adjust = function(value) return (value or 15) + 5 end},
-- Settings
{name = "Instant Respawn", defaultValue = false, dataType = "BoolValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"},
{name = "Adjust Skope", defaultValue = 4.5, dataType = "NumberValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"},
{name = "Infinite Ammo", defaultValue = false, dataType = "BoolValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"},
{name = "Disable Pop Ups", defaultValue = false, dataType = "BoolValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"},
{name = "Infinite Jump", defaultValue = false, dataType = "BoolValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"},
{name = "Double Cash", defaultValue = false, dataType = "BoolValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"},
{name = "Music", defaultValue = true, dataType = "BoolValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"}, -- Specific Data
-- Cosmetics Equipped
{name = "Chat Tag", defaultValue = 0, dataType = "NumberValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"},
{name = "Gun Skin", defaultValue = 0, dataType = "NumberValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"},
{name = "Emote", defaultValue = 0, dataType = "NumberValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"},
-- Chat Tags Owned
{name = "CT1", defaultValue = false, dataType = "BoolValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"},
{name = "CT2", defaultValue = false, dataType = "BoolValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"},
{name = "CT3", defaultValue = false, dataType = "BoolValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"},
{name = "CT4", defaultValue = false, dataType = "BoolValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"},
{name = "CT5", defaultValue = false, dataType = "BoolValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"},
{name = "CT6", defaultValue = false, dataType = "BoolValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"},
{name = "CT7", defaultValue = false, dataType = "BoolValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"},
{name = "CT8", defaultValue = false, dataType = "BoolValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"},
{name = "CT9", defaultValue = false, dataType = "BoolValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"},
-- Gun Skins Owned
{name = "GS1", defaultValue = false, dataType = "BoolValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"},
{name = "GS2", defaultValue = false, dataType = "BoolValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"},
{name = "GS3", defaultValue = false, dataType = "BoolValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"},
{name = "GS4", defaultValue = false, dataType = "BoolValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"},
{name = "GS5", defaultValue = false, dataType = "BoolValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"},
{name = "GS6", defaultValue = false, dataType = "BoolValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"},
{name = "GS7", defaultValue = false, dataType = "BoolValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"},
{name = "GS8", defaultValue = false, dataType = "BoolValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"},
{name = "GS9", defaultValue = false, dataType = "BoolValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"},
-- Emotes Owned
{name = "E1", defaultValue = false, dataType = "BoolValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"},
{name = "E2", defaultValue = false, dataType = "BoolValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"},
{name = "E3", defaultValue = false, dataType = "BoolValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"},
{name = "E4", defaultValue = false, dataType = "BoolValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"},
{name = "E5", defaultValue = false, dataType = "BoolValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"},
{name = "E6", defaultValue = false, dataType = "BoolValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"},
{name = "E7", defaultValue = false, dataType = "BoolValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"},
{name = "E8", defaultValue = false, dataType = "BoolValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"},
{name = "E9", defaultValue = false, dataType = "BoolValue", parent = "nonleaderstats"}
-- Combine the keys in DataStoreModule
local keys = {}
for _, data in ipairs(dataKeys) do
table.insert(keys, data.name)
DataStoreModule.Combine("MasterKey", unpack(keys))
local function createValueInstance(data, parent)
local valueInstance = Instance.new(data.dataType)
valueInstance.Name = data.name:gsub("^%l", string.upper) -- Capitalizes first letter for display
valueInstance.Parent = parent
return valueInstance
local function loadDataAndConnect(data, player, valueInstance)
local dataStore = DataStoreModule(data.name, player)
local success, storedValue = pcall(function()
return dataStore:Get()
if success then
if storedValue == nil then
-- Data doesn't exist, use default value
valueInstance.Value = data.defaultValue
local valueType = typeof(storedValue)
local expectedType = typeof(data.defaultValue)
if valueType == expectedType then
valueInstance.Value = storedValue
valueInstance.Value = data.defaultValue
local success, errorMsg = pcall(function()
local leaderstats = Instance.new("Folder", player)
leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"
local nonleaderstats = Instance.new("Folder", player)
nonleaderstats.Name = "nonleaderstats"
for _, data in ipairs(dataKeys) do
local parent = data.parent == "leaderstats" and leaderstats or nonleaderstats
local valueInstance = createValueInstance(data, parent)
loadDataAndConnect(data, player, valueInstance)