Is my script secured enough?

Alrught thanks for the info , very usefull!

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It seems like you have a script that handles vehicle data storage for players using DataStoreService in Roblox. The script includes functions to create car values for players, retrieve data from the DataStore, and save player data when they join or leave the game.

To counter data loss, you can make some improvements to your script:

  1. Error Handling: Implement better error handling to prevent unexpected issues. For example, you can use pcall() to catch errors when accessing the DataStore or performing operations on player data.
  2. Retry Mechanism: If there is an error while retrieving or saving data, you can implement a retry mechanism with a limited number of attempts. This will give the script a chance to recover from temporary errors, such as network issues.
  3. Logging: Add more detailed logging to track errors and events related to data retrieval and saving. This will help you identify any potential issues and understand the flow of data in your script.
  4. Code Organization: Consider organizing your code into separate functions and modules to improve readability and maintainability. This will make it easier to troubleshoot and add new features in the future.
  5. Backup Mechanism: Consider implementing a backup mechanism to store data in a secondary storage system, such as a backup DataStore or a separate database. This can serve as an additional layer of protection against data loss.

Remember to thoroughly test your script after making any changes to ensure it functions as expected and helps mitigate data loss.

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Well i have found the solution , just dont use the player removing and let the warning the data was not saved as it was not updated appear since theres no changes. This could prevent from dataloss . I thought the warning that i got was too dangerous but its not , the data not saved becaus theres no changes . So it will load the data just like normal . How dumb am i . Now i understand how to use ds2

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