Is Solo Developing a Game Impossible?

Is it impossible to develop a game on Roblox by yourself? I know that many games have teams who develop each part of the game like Scripter, Builder, GFX Artist etc. How long do you think it would take to finish?


You could do it. The problem is that it is not easy. You have to be good at all the necessary skills needed to create a good game. Plus, well not technically part of making it, you still need people to ensure the people playing don’t do anything bad. There is nothing stoping you from getting the skills needed successfully making and maintaining a game on your own.


Solodeving would take close to a year to make a fully-functioning game, as you’d have to cover all angles of deving, from UIs to scripting, and incorporate time to learn them if you don’t know the topic.


Not impossible, but the amount of time and skills needed are reasonably quite high to do most aspects of the game yourself.


I know a person named Isayiah he is a solo dev. He made planet lifting simulator completely on his own, and the game aint half bad! Just giving an example the game is here if you want to check it out

🌌 Planet Lifting Simulator! - Roblox


It is possible, many people have done it, maybe some contributors would help. But working in a team is much better.


Not impossible, but if you’re working on something alone then you almost need to pick a specific topic that doesn’t require too much maintenance for one person.


I just so happen to be a solo dev, and I can say its possible, but you can get overwhelmed at some times, you’d have to learn to model, script, and learn UI design.


Solo developing isn’t impossible but as others said, it will take a long time and effort, I believe that Solo Developing is pretty important as you don’t need to pay anyone or anything, it’s just you doing all the work, also you’ll have more freedom on when you want the game to finish as you won’t have to wait for other developers on your team to finish. However, learning the main skills which are Modelling and Scripting can be very hard and so it’s important to separate each skill for each week and eventually you’ll get used to becoming a Solo developer.


It depends on the situation. If you are doing a big project, then most definitely will it be hard. But with that being said, it is definitely possible to make a solo project.

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I think Onett made Bee Swarm Simulator by himself, so yeah it’s possible.


I’m a solo-dev and I’ve only made one partially successful game with over 750K visits. For a while I even managed to create a small community of players based around the game and would get lots of players without any advertising.

Though as of now, if you’re like me and you lose interest in projects then solo-deving isn’t the best option. I’ve abandoned dozens of projects and ideas but I’ve finally found something I really enjoy to develop.

Don’t judge my schedule but (almost) everyday I spend ~1 hour developing my game (Dead Haven). Instead of going on about how many things I have unfinished, I’ll tell you what I finished in this time:

  • Created an amazing datasave. The game isn’t done so I can’t be 100% sure but it saves during shutdowns etc etc.
  • Made a great intro in-game.
  • Created UI that I’m really proud of, not eyecandy to everyone but it looks amazing to me.
  • I have a great monetization plan, as well as plans for upcoming updates/ideas that I can incorporate into the game.
  • I created my own GFX that’ll do until the game is heavily advertised.
  • I have a clear idea of what I want my game to be, what gamemodes there’ll be and much more.

Don’t solo-dev if you don’t have a clear idea of the game’s mechanics. Or if you don’t enjoy developing said game. (Sorry this sort of turned into an essay)


Absolutely not impossible. It’s difficult, it takes a lot of work, and a long time to even learn everything required. Pretty hard to stay motivated also. I’ve made many games. It can be a bit of pain sometimes but its possible for sure,


Not impossible but:

  • You would have to master everything needed to make a Roblox game (building, scripting etc)
  • It would take really long to make good game solo

In my opinion team is always better.

Being part of a development team obviously has its many advantages over developing a whole game on your own. However, I do think there are a few pros to solo developing as well:

  • You know exactly what your game will be in your mind. If you were the leader of a development team, getting your exact vision of what you want the game to end up looking like is hard. You know how everything will fit together.
  • Developing on your own encourages learning new skills. Learning how to script a game, build, design user interfaces, animate, etc both allows you to understand how the full development process of a game works, and is also impressive, whilst very hard to do.

It’s been done before, you just need to work a lot on every skill. It will be harder to do and take longer than working with other developers, but it is possible.

I’m a solo dev myself, so trust me when I say it is hard, but not impossible. As @Astravast said, there are advantages to both team and solo developing. But do not give up, if you work on your game regularly, make games that are doable, yet challenging enough that you learn new things, you might one day become a good dev. A lot of good games (like Treelands, Jailbreak and Warfront) were made by 2 person teams, and not much is different with solo developing. As to how long it would take to finish, it depends on the game. Just keep trying, and one day you will succeed in making something great.

Look at this post to better understand what you’re getting yourself into.

The estimated amount of time will be dependent on the following:

  • Do you value Quality
  • Do you value Originality
  • Do you know how to Market properly.
  • Will you self educate yourself or be taught by a professional in the field?
    How much time are you willing to sacrifice into a solo project, if it’s not equivalent to the amount of time invested into school or a standard 9-5 job than you realistically won’t get far. You’ve also got to rid yourself of the possibility of failure from your mind as well, if you convince yourself you’ll fail than it’ll negatively impact your performance.

Depends if your planning to make a high quality game then it will probably take a lot of your time, usually goes almost a year depending on the game your making. Your mastery in each aspect of game development can also speed up the creation of the game, scripting, ui, building etc.

I’m a solo-dev, I don’t really make that much visits because I don’t advertise/sponsor, but I usually get thousands of visits, though I haven’t reached a million yet.

Its most certainly possible, though i will say it largely depends on the type of game you will be making.

My largest game, Rise of Nations, is for the most part, solo-built with just a few models that were outsourced, which is but a minor part of the game. The reason for this is that Rise of Nations is mainly a scripting orientated game where models don’t really matter that much.

Imagine there is a scale that goes like


The closer a game is to either extremes, the easier it would be to solo develop. Thats not to say solo devving is easy, its usually the opposite really.

So really it depends.