Is there a good anti-exploit that I could use for my games?

I have checked and we do not have malicious require()s in our scripts, they all lead to trusted models.

In that case someone might be abusing an unsecured remote event or function. Or the backdoor could be really well hidden.

yeah i agree with @Blokav there isn’t anything else you can do besides secure your remote events better (and add better sanity checks to CORE events)

All of the remotes are secured and even if one of them is fired, they can not do the exploit attacks shown in the OP.

Hold CTRL+SHIFT+F and search for each of the following keywords.


The first three are often abused by backdoor scripts, and are rarely used by legitimate scripts. If you see those at all, that’s probably where the backdoor is.

However, require is more often used for legitimate purposes, unlike the others. What you should watch out for are require statements that get passed numbers, or look like these patterns:



local lilililil = require

Awesome, I knew there there was a key command for this!

And here I was using Quick Open and reading through scripts like a chump…

Also a good thing to do would be to follow the link to the remote module to see if it is legitimate or something made by a script kiddie.

Okay, I have looked through them and the only results are for require and I am aware of them and they cause no harm.

Ro-Defender is useless, it actually doesn’t scan for backdoors. It scans for old 2008 viruses with names like “INFECTION”. Also I’ve seen that plugin before in many backdoor posts (3D Text) I’d check out XAXA if I were you.

Do you use any admin commands?

If you’d want to make an anti exploit you most likely need to make a local script calling an if statement. If that scripts deleted have another script to back it up and kick/ban the player forr exploiting. You can also use measurements like if an important script/part is deleted or if too many people die then the game shuts down or kicks the player.

Okay, I will uninstall Ro-Defender. Also, here is the link to the 3D Text plugin.

We use Basic Admin Essentials 2.0 by TheFurryFish.

@COUNTYL1MITS that a free model with a backdoor. Make a custom one.

I will have to disagree with you as many groups use this and they do not have this issue.

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@COUNTYL1MITS it does have a backdoor; due to fact it so commonly use exploiter can create a script to bypass it and make scripts to find games with it. That is why it is important to use custom admin systems. I also messaged @P_xul, with important information about back doors to find, prevent, and remove.

For your disagreement, most groups using that admin system, may hide their problems and use multiple counter-measures. Also, this message below may help you understand what backdoors are;

A good backdoor scanner is Kronos. I’ll go look into the 3D Text plugin.

I tried looking into it. It crashes my studio. I recommend you delete it, they’re most likely trying to hide something.

Also here is the download for 3DText.rbxm (700.3 KB)

If you can’t provide proof for it being malicious, please don’t make wild claims. The model has loaded fine into my Studio, and skimming through it, it looks like the reason for the long load time is it has a lot of assets.


Well, then that means the only thing left to check is Basic admin essentials. But I’ve looked through it myself before and its safe.