Is there a max Datastore can save?


I’m maybe thinking about doing a sort of server generation that saves in datastore the reservedserver codes, however I want to know if there’s a limit to how much datastore can function to? Because if like 10k+ concurrent players do this would it be too much?

Roblox Developer Hub | Datastores

Refer to the “Limits” section

There is a 4MB data limit per key, however, you can have as many keys as you want.


would it be recommended to do this method what if like a game has 15k+ players concurrent

Each key has a 4mb limit, it has nothing to do with the amount of concurrent players you can have 1.6 million concurrent players the limit doesn’t change.

Typically you would have one key per player and save all their data in it, that way you ensure the datastore will not throttle. This is what ProfileService does (highly recommend using ProfileService)

Although you can use as many keys per player as you want as long as you are not creating too many datastore calls. If you go past the budget of requests-per-minute the requests will throttle, get put into a queue, and then drop if the queue exceeds 30 requests. This leads to data loss.