Is there a way of disabling other tools while one is currently active?

I am working on a tool which can be used to grab other players, but I can see how the tool can be abused when you can easily switch to a weapon like a sword while grabbing a player and kill the player while they can not escape.

Is there some way of “disabling” other tools? I thought that this was a bit similar to how you cannot switch to a different gun while you are currently reloading one, if that’s even possible.

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You can make it so when you equip the tool, and grab the player, your able to scan the other player’s equipped tool and either A.) Delete their handle which will cause it to delete their equipped weapon. B.) Set your health to 10000000 when you grab the player, and back to normal when you let them go or perform an action.

It really depends on the person’s tool… I just know you’re able to delete another player’s tool when you perform an action. You scan the other person’s backpack and their character when you touch them. When a player equips a tool, the tool they have equipped can be shown in their character… So you can use:

for i, children in pairs(otherPlayer.Character:GetChildren()) do
if children:IsA(“Tool”) then

I don’t have a better solution, I am sorry my guy. I will watch this post with great interest because I am very curious if there is a way to say like tool:Unequipped or something.

I think you got the roles mixed up. I am fine with a person who was grabbed to kill their grabber, though I don’t want a person to grab someone and then kill them. I’ll take note of what you said though if I need it.

OH in that case, if you grab the person, you just check to see if a tool is equipped. If there is a tool equipped, then simply just unequip it. Here is a post to look at Why Humanoid:UnequipTools() and Humanoid:EquipTool() do not work?

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I’ll try this out. Should I use a while do end loop?

Yes, more than likely. I can’t see another way around it.

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