Is there a way of limiting speed but increasing force with a vectorforce

I’m trying to make some skateboard logic and im running into a bump with trying to make vectorforces push hard enough while still not going too fast

I’m no physics expert here (especially in Roblox), but force is directly proportional to the mass and acceleration, as given by Newton’s second law.

I’d suggest getting the player’s mass by stating

local mass = 0
for _, part in ipairs(character:GetDescendants()) do
    if part:IsA("BasePart") then
        mass += part:GetMass()

And perhaps you can calculate a force consistently by doing mass + CONSTANT?

Whats a constant? and how would i calculate it

Constant could be any number, I recommend you experiment with what’s best for you.
An example would be (mass * 1.5) or something like that

I’m assuming you want a skateboard with a speed limit, but with using VectorForce.

Unfortunately, the thing you’re trying to implement is a little complicated.
Here, someone made a PID Control explaination/tutorial which is what you’re looking for.

Proportional (P) Control