Is there a way that I can make comma’s in between parts of strings to represent 1 million? I want to make it so that I can write out 1m, one hundred thousand, ten thousand one thousand, etc.
Yes, you can use string formatting to include commas in numbers to represent the thousands, millions, etc. place values. Here is an example
function formatNumberWithCommas(number)
local formattedNumber = string.format("%d", number)
local left, num, right = string.match(formattedNumber, '^([^%d]*%d)(%d*)(.-)$')
return left..(num:reverse():gsub('(%d%d%d)','%1,'):reverse())..right
print(formatNumberWithCommas(1000000)) -- Output: "1,000,000"
print(formatNumberWithCommas(1000001)) -- Output: "1,000,001"
print(formatNumberWithCommas(10001)) -- Output: "10,001"
print(formatNumberWithCommas(1001)) -- Output: "1,001"
This function takes a number as input and returns a string with commas inserted at the thousand, million, etc. place values. You can then use this function to format any number in your code.
Can you explain how this script works exactly? I really don’t understand the second to fourth line at all…
this approach simply does not show decimals and i am incapable of understanding string patterns to fix that sadly…
FYI the link I posted uses a very similar method, but I break down how it works line by line. It’s not exactly the same but might help you understand.
The problem is the first line. %d
means “represent as an integer”, so all decimals will be cutoff. It also behaves weirdly at large values anyways.
local formattedNumber = tostring(number)
works better for decimals, but also can behave wrong for very large numbers.
Yes, you can use the “string.format()” function to add commas to a number in a string. Here’s an example of how you could do this:
local function format(number)
string.format("%d", number)
Which will print 1,000,000 in console.
Sounds like a chatGPT copy and paste? This doesn’t run, and wouldn’t do that.
Does this link help you?
I think you would want to do something like this, if I am right.
the script is a function that takes in a number as an argument and returns a string representation of that number with commas inserted every three digits.
The first line defines the function and specifies that it takes in a single argument, “number”.
The second line defines a local variable called “formattedNumber” and assigns it the value of “number” formatted as an integer (with any decimal points removed). This is done using the string.format function, which takes in a format string and one or more values to be formatted according to that string. In this case, the format string is “%d”, which specifies that the value should be formatted as an integer.
The third line defines three local variables, “left”, “num”, and “right”, and assigns them the values returned by string.match. String.match is a function that searches a string for a pattern and returns any substrings that match that pattern. In this case, the pattern is ‘^([^%d] %d)(%d )(.-)$’, and the string being searched is “formattedNumber”.
Here’s how the pattern works:
- The ‘^’ and ‘$’ characters specify that the pattern should only match if it occurs at the beginning and end of the string, respectively.
- The first part of the pattern, '([^%d] %d)’, matches zero or more non-digit characters (indicated by '[^%d] ') followed by a single digit character (indicated by ‘%d’). This will match any characters that appear before the first digit in the string.
- The second part of the pattern, ‘(%d*)’, matches zero or more digit characters. This will match all of the digits in the string.
- The third part of the pattern, ‘(.-)’, matches any characters that appear after the digits.
So, the overall pattern will match the characters before the first digit, all of the digits, and the characters after the digits. These substrings are then returned as the values of “left”, “num”, and “right”, respectively.
The fourth line returns the concatenation of “left”, a modified version of “num”, and “right”. The modified version of “num” is created by first reversing the string, using the string.reverse function, then using the string.gsub function to replace every three digits with the same three digits followed by a comma. The modified string is then reversed again using string.reverse.
Mate it was 2AM and I used Lua sketchpad on my iPhone, I’m here to help not cause problems. Dont take a simple solution to heart.
Here’s a more straightforward way of doing things.
function AddComma(Data)
Data = tostring(Data)
return (((Data:reverse()):gsub("%d%d%d", "%1,")):reverse()):gsub("^,", "")
Apologies if you thought it was chat GBPT whatever the hell it is.
I have tried using the str.replace method to replace a “m” with a comma and a space, but that only replaces one m.
I also have tried using a for loop, but I haven’t been able to get that to work.
s = “1m”
s = s.replace(“m”, “, “)
That code only replaces one “m”, and I want it to replace all the “m”‘s in the string.
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