Is there a way to bypass the 4MB DataStore size limit?

So I have a game where users can upload their creations to a public datastore, but the datastore size limit has already been broken within two days (41 creations). Each of these creations are about 100kB large.

Is there an alternative to datastore or a way to abuse the datastore system to exceed 4MB of data?

Help would be greatly appreciated!

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You can create multiple datastores to save more data, you can also shorten the ammount of data by making your system more efficient.

If you want to easily save extra stores you just need to add a number to the name of the store and check how much total data there is. You might also have to split data up

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Along with @minimic2002’s ideas, you can also try implementing this:

It’s very easy to setup.


Creating multiple datastores seems to work perfectly. Instead of having one key, I have keys that get constantly created via os.time().

Sure, this solution is a bit hacky for my liking, but seems to be the best simple solution!

local CreationsKey = os.time() .. "_Creations"

The only issue with using os time as the identifier is keeping the times would need another store, your better of just adding like so
If string.length > 200k then
– Split data
for i = 1, #Split do
SaveData(Storename … tostring(i),Data)

And then whem retrieving data you do
local Data = {}
local Comp = {}
Comp[1] = 0

while Comp[2] = nil do

table.insert(Data, GetData(StoreName .. tostring(Comp[1])
If Data[#Data].Length > 200k then
-- repeat
Comp[2] = true



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