Is there a way to create my own event?

How would I go about creating my own custom event? I have no idea how to do this and it would be cool if I can.

If you mean without the use of BindableEvent | Roblox Creator Documentation or Functions | Roblox Creator Documentation, then no. If you simply just want to fire an event when something happens then use BindableEvent:Fire(whateverYouWantToPass) and connect it with



This functionality has already been implemented. I suggest utilizing FastSignal, and if perhaps you want to substantially modify it, fork the repo.

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GetPropertyChangedSignal("Property") even though this isn’t a custom event this should pretty much cover all bases.

You can use Bindable events for general events, as mentioned.
But if you mean how you can do that in OOP:

local newClass = {}
newClass.__index = newClass
	local self = {};
	self.random_event ="BindableEvent") -- // You will need this reference, otherwise how will you fire the event.
	self.Randomized = self.random_event.Event -- // You set the event name equal to BindableEvent.Event, this is your event
	return setmetatable(self, newClass)

function newClass:Call()
	self.random_event:Fire() -- // You can fire the event.

function newClass:ConnectEvent()
	self.Randomized:Connect(function() -- // You can create a connection to the event.
		print("Event fired.")

return newClass