Is there a way to disable the emote wheel?

I was just wondering is there a way to disable EMOTES? I mean the emote wheel, without disabling R15 on the game.

(Sorry If I posted in the wrong category I am new)


You can do this in a local script to disable the emote wheel:

game.StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.EmotesMenu, false)

You are also able to set the property StarterPlayer.UserEmotesEnabled to false so that user’s can not use the /e and /emote on custom emotes they purchased in the catalog, this will not disable builtin emotes such as /e dance and etc, only user bought ones.

Also you did post in the correct category, just so you know! :+1:


Thank you, I will be sure to test this out thanks!

Oh also do you know how to disable /emotes commands?

someone correct me here, but I do not think it is possible to disable the /e command.

Doesn’t the local script have to be put into StarterGUI?

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@Yeah_Justinn Pretty sure this disables /e commands.

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Yes u could put it in StarterGUI or starterplayerscripts.

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Yeah thanks for that, it’s that he didn’t mention it so I reminded him.

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