Is there a way to make a localized debounce on a server sided script?

Hello. I am trying to make a localized debounce on a server sided script. For example: There are 2 players, Badcc and Asimo. Let’s say Asimo touches a block that prints a message in the output, he’s not able to print that message for another 5 seconds after touching the block. But Badcc can come along and print the message, but he has to wait 5 seconds to do it again, also. Hopefully that makes sense.
So how would I go about doing that? Thanks in advance :slight_smile: .

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What I would do is: store who pressed it in a table and then delete their name after 5 seconds, if they touch it again and their name is still stored then it doesnt work for them, but if their name is gone you can make the script work :slight_smile:. Sorry if I’m overly complicating things.


Yep the table debounce technique.

Here is how it looks in code form.

local debounceTable = {}
	local player = game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)
	if player and not debounceTable[player] then
		debounceTable[player] = player --make the if statement false
		debounceTable[player] = nil