Is there a way to make this code less complex?

local t = 3

	while wait() do

		local hue = tick() % t / t

		local color = Color3.fromHSV(hue,1,1)

		game.Workspace.test.Color = color


this code is pretty hard to understand is there a way to make it less complex

You mean you didn’t write this and want to know how it works?
tick() gets the current time in seconds. %t gets the remainder after dividing by 3. So 3%3 is 0, 4%3 is 1, 5%3 is 2, and 6%3 goes back to 0. Then divide by t to make the result a maximum of 1.
In the end, it causes a full rainbow every t seconds.

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So it’s basically dividing tick by 0 cause 3 / 3 is 0

just fix the indenting and replace “wait” with “task.wait” to make it cleaner and maybe less throttling

Would doing task.wait improve performance or what’s the difference

read solution

3/3 is 1, not 0.
You can try messing around with math like that in the console or look up a better explanation on modular division, but the purpose of this code is to start at 0 and increase to 1 over the course of 3 seconds then wrap back around to 0 and start again.

Adding on to what @JarodOfOrbiter 3/3 is not 0, however, you are not doing the 3/3 to get the result (which would be 1) you are doing 3/3 and getting the remainder, and since 3 goes into 3 an even amount of times there is no remainder so it would be 0, here as an example on how to use % (modulo) to find if a number is a multiple if 5:

for n=1, 50 do
    if n%5 == 0 then 
        print(n, "is a multiple of 5")
        print(n, "is not a multiple of 5")

There is a difference between these 2 symbols : / and %.

/ = division [ 2/1 = 2].
% = modulo, meaning if checks if the given number is a multiple of the given other number.

here is a video that explains the modulus operator

and here is another way to write the code

local runService = game:GetService("RunService")

-- value will keep increasing over time
local value = 0
-- speed effects how fast value will increase over time
local speed = 1

-- every heartbeat call this function (heartbeat is called after the physics simulation has completed)
	-- increase value using the deltaTime multiplied by the speed (deltaTime is how long has past since the previous heartbeat function was called)
	value += deltaTime * speed
	-- we now wrap the value around 1 watch the video above to see how the modules operator works
	local hue = value % 1
	-- make the color using the hue value
	local color = Color3.fromHSV(hue, 1, 1)
	-- set the test part to the color
	game.Workspace.Test.Color = color