Is there a way you can change the chat style?

I noticed they removed the ability to change the chat style under configuring a place. Is there a new way to do it?


Try checking out the guide on the Lua Chat System.

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If your refering to bubble chat, then check out the scripts under the “Chat” service (or check out the service here) (usually gets loaded within the game once you click play but if you want to manually edit them you should try and grab them).
Under Chat Settings, located within the ChatModules folder, you’ll find a line referencing:

module.BubbleChatEnabled = PlayersService.BubbleChat
module.ClassicChatEnabled = PlayersService.ClassicChat

As you may have noticed, these familiar names are what would have been on the website had it not have been removed. All you have to do is set them to true if you want them enabled!

I hope this helps! :smiley:


Lastly, there is a hidden method entitled SetChatStyle in the PlayersService. This avoids explicitly needing to fork the chat script just to modify styles. You can also return a table with BubbleChatEnabled set to true upon the creation of the chat window.

There are several topics on this already. Please search before asking.