Is there absolutely ANY way at all to hide private scripts that have to do with plugins? (example in post)

Still not enough of a requirement. The only requirement that would solve this issue would be that the publisher either has to work for Roblox, or is an extremely well-known, legally bound, very respected, and closely monitored developer. And that wouldn’t be easy to obtain, know?

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I gotcha. Oh well. Thanks for your response.

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there’s no valid reason to be creating a closed source project in 2024, OSS is the future

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In Roblox or in general…? If you’re trying to make a program and want to sell it, you most definitely want to try and keep your source hidden or secure…

nothing that is free should be closed source which seems like what you’re trying to do

Whether it’s being sold through Roblox or not, I didn’t plan on making what I wanted to make free. Maybe like $2.

A way is to do something like this:

Script to require:



return function(
 script.parent = nil
 local other = require(id) --this is another module that does the real stuff to be extra secure
 other.parent = nil

You can’t require a script again after its destroyed so this is more secure

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With the given ID, the module can be found and then the user can use the ID in the other variable to find the real module. Your method does absolutely nothing of value other than make the process a tiny bit longer.

are you tripping? bytecode exists

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