Is there an api or http accssibility to

I have been looking for a way to get latest status updates from from the api and the website, but couldn’t find anything.

Is there a way to getcurrent roblox status from the website/roblox api?
Also, can I somehow check when information is being updated?

Just send a request to your desired endpoint and read the status code.

Turns out that method returns an error “HttpService is not allowed to access ROBLOX resources”

print(game:GetService("HttpService"):RequestAsync({Url="",Method = "GET"}))

I bet there is another way to get information from there.

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Oh I didn’t realise you’re doing it from in game, you can’t send HTTP requests to servers from a roblox server to prevent self-ddosing themselves.

I guess you’d need to use a proxy to get it from in-game.

Its fixed. Take a look:

I kept looking at it, I saw it’s back online like 5 mins later.

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So, you say may work, right?

No - you’ll need to create yourself a Proxy hosted on a 3rd party server such as Heroku then send requests to that.

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Nevermind I’m wrong, if there is already a public proxy you can use that. However send requests to the Web API endpoint other than the status page.

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In the meantime, I found the corresponding post for how to create a custom Proxy on Heroku (here).

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You can use this endpoint to receive a json of roblox’s status. (No proxy required)

JSON Example: Public Status API | Knowledge Base

Sadly if you do not own a status page, the result is cached for 15 minutes.

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