Is there any documentation for BasePart:ApplyImpulse

There’s no detail here, and I’m having difficulty balancing it against other forces.

What does the Vector3 you pass it represent? Velocity? Force?

Never used this before, but based on this discussion, it seems to be a Vector3 representation of a force.

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That’s where I came across the function, but I still don’t seem to be able to balance it.


I’ve got this at the moment to stop a character in the Y axis. weight is the total mass of all the character’s parts. velocityY is as you’d expect. No idea what the 80 represents.

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I tried it and it seem to work with a regular R15 rig, so there might just be some conflicting code that has to so with player characters in particular.

If I understand what you’re trying to do though, what I’d recommend is to simply use a BodyVelocity:

  • MaxForce = (0, 100000, 0)
  • P = 100000
  • Velocity = (0, velocityY, 0)

It would achieve the same effect without using Impulse, especially since it seems like impulses cause only a single “proc” of force before they disappear.

That’s what I’m currently doing, but it’s not as tidy.

I want to stop the player then let them fall, so an impulse describes what’s happening better. To get the use the BodyVelocity I’m having to turn the Y force up for 2 frames then back down.

You said you got this working with ApplyImpulse?