Is there any way to "tween" TimeOfDay?

I am making a smooth lighting transition system, mainly using TweenService, but I came to a stop when I realized that I don’t know how I would smoothly transition TimeOfDay to a set value.
This obviously most likely can’t be done very well with TweenService, but is there any way to accomplish this?

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You can use the ClockTime Property, since it’s a number that can be manipulated using TweenService, though I haven’t tried using it myself.


15:30:00 == 15.5 (ClockTime)

is there a formula I can use to convert TimeOfDay to clocktime?
for example if I make a string ‘10:11:12’, how would I convert that?

You can do:

local timeofday = "10:11:12"
local function translateClockTime(str)
    return tonumber(str:sub(1,2)) + tonumber(str:sub(4,5))/60 + tonumber(str:sub(7,8))/3600

-- test

--> Output:  10.186666666667
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Just get the ClockTime and that’s the conversion.

local clockTime = game.Lighting.ClockTime
local function TOD_to_CT(str)
	local a = str:split(':')
	local hr,m,s = a[1],a[2],a[3]
	hr,m = hr*3600,m*60
	local CT = hr+m+s
	return (CT/60)/60


Wrote a simple converter for you, to tween from the time you want specifically, just do something like this,

local TS = game:GetService('TweenService')
local Lighting = game:GetService('Lighting')

local function string_to_clock(str)
	local a = str:split(':')
	local hr,m,s = a[1],a[2],a[3]
	hr,m = hr*3600,m*60
	local CT = hr+m+s
	return (CT/60)/60

local function tweenTime(targettime,duration)
	local goal = {}
	goal.ClockTime = string_to_clock(targettime)
	local tinfo =
	local tween = TS:Create(game.Lighting,tinfo,goal)

Lighting.TimeOfDay = '07:00:00' -- Sets your time to 7am

tweenTime('00:00:00',10) -- Tweens to midnight in 10 seconds

Ideally you should never have to use TimeOfDay anymore. That’s why they added ClockTime. It simplifies the whole process and lets you animate the time much easier.


Try heartbeat!

	Lighting.ClockTime = Lighting.ClockTime + delta

I fixed it from the previous answer, @ScriptingSupport.

Heartbeat isn’t tweening though, you’re just counting on the signal to fire to serve as the interval for a while loop. Not really something you should be doing when you can hook the ClockTime set straight to Heartbeat and use the provided delta as an offset. Heartbeat-based waits would also be acceptable, but not a raw wait for the signal.

I’m aware it isn’t tweening, but shouldn’t it create a very smooth look?

I think the biggest issue, is ClockTime is not replicated on the client. It says it here:

I would also argue that you shouldn’t be tweening server-side though. Just have the server fire a RemoteEvent to tell the clients what time they should tween to & then do it on the client. It will be a much smoother user experience.

Yeah, I misread the how the ClockTime variable is replicated. I put originally that it is only replicated on the client and edited quickly after but I’ve come to the realization that makes much less sense.

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You can do something similar to the :Lerp() method maybe. Basically a function that will have the same behaviour as lerp, but it would work for numbers (:Lerp() only works for vector3 cframe and color3) as well.

local function lerp(val, target, percentage)
   return val + (target - val) * percentage

for i = 0, 1, 0.1 do
   lerp(lightning.ClockTime, 23, i)

This is probably how the :Lerp() is written in the roblox api.

You can find more information on what I did here!

Just use clock time.

TimeOfDay strings aren’t a regular grammar and life is too short to make a parser that replicates the quirks of the TOD property setter. +4::-8::::: is a totally valid TimeOfDay string.

Close enough.

local function tweenTimeOfDay(tod0, tod1)
	local n0, d do
		local sign0, h0, m0, s0 = tod0:match('^([+-]?)(%d*):[+-]?(%d*):[+-]?(%d*)$')
		local sign1, h1, m1, s1 = tod1:match('^([+-]?)(%d*):[+-]?(%d*):[+-]?(%d*)$')

		if sign0 and sign1 then
			n0 = 3600*(tonumber(h0) or 0) + 60*(tonumber(m0) or 0) + (tonumber(s0) or 0)
			local n1 = 3600*(tonumber(h1) or 0) + 60*(tonumber(m1) or 0) + (tonumber(s1) or 0)
			if sign0 == '-' then
				n0 = -n0
			d = (43200 + (sign1 ~= '-' and n1 or -n1) - n0)%86400 - 43200
			error('invalid TimeOfDay string', 4)
	return function(t)
		local fs = (n0 + d*t)%86400
		local s = fs > 0 and fs or -fs
		return string.format(
			fs < 0 and '-%.2u:%.2u:%.2u' or '%.2u:%.2u:%.2u',
			(s - s%3600)/3600,
			(s%3600 - s%60)/60,
tweenTimeOfDay('8:00', '10:00')(0.5) -> '9:00:00'