Either way Roblox doesn’t provide any direct API for banning users since it is a huge power - and can lead to lots of misuse. It would be a horrible UX to have this power misused on you.
You could try adding a account age (like their account has to be 30 days old to join) so if there’s an exploiter and they get banned they can’t immediately create another alt and go back to what they were doing. Substitute for not being able to ip ban?? may be helpful.
Yea, I don’t think there will be a way to IP Ban.
Why shouldn’t this be possible? Every website is allowed do this.
But to answer the question there is no roblox api for doing this, but even if you wanted to people who use wifi there IP address changes every 24hours also if you use fibre optic internet it doesn’t generally work unless the user has a specific fibre optic plan. So short answer there is no way to ban players using IP address but you can use usernames and even if there was it would only last 24 hours or maybe even less.
cause it could be abused? I don’t know:
Watch this
Thats exactly what I said IP’s change every 24 hours.
Even tho this topic is old however it won’t be possible one day because if we IP ban we should be able to see the IP of the player and that can be used for who hates him or an exploiter as an advantage to dox him or ddos attack so it’s a very bad idea won’t come out one day.
Edit: it may be possible if Roblox decrypt the IP and gives it in a difficult form but it will lead to lot of issues if someone knew how to solve it
it would be a great idea but it has it’s cons
There should be a service that is specific to every experience. This would work like this:
This would blacklist the user’s ip address while their actual ip address would not be visible to the player or developer.
This would be a huge step for dealing with exploiters creating alts and coming back to leak assets.
There might also be a function to blacklist a user from any game made under a certain group ID.
Unbanning someone would work like this:
There are some work arounds but I believe most are patched.
Unfortunately, there is not. This is probably due to COPPA regulations and it just generally not being very safe. For example, anyone can just pull up the IP ban menu, look up your username, and boom - now your Wi-Fi is hacked.
I really do not think theres a way.
There are ways that Roblox could implement IP banning, like maybe Roblox will assign a player a ID that represents a IP Address, like UserIDs or something.
If you need to ban people nearly completely to stop exploiters and such, I would say make a discord server that verifys people to your game. So when they act up, ban their linked discord account from your server and they are gone for good, which prevents people from joining again unless they have another discord account.
Not sure if discord still IP bans banned users from your server, but either way is still a lot of work just to bypass the ban anyways.
I’m pretty sure there is no way of doing so.
But if you want to get rid of someone trying to exploit in your game you can always just make a script that will check players account ages and kick them if their account age is under for example 14 days! I’m not sure if that’s the issue you were facing but it’s still a way to get rid of alts exploiting in-game!
Welp this might be late but there is the new BanApi which bans alts which I assume is getting a location not to sure tho
i found a way to do it although its not perfect. im pretty sure its against roblox tos so i cannot share
Roblox added a ban API so now it’s not necessary to do something else
The link please?