Adding onto the above, obfuscation is just a terrible idea when making a Roblox game. If you are relying on obfuscation for your game, you are approaching the problem wrong. Don’t have anything important on the client. Do as much as possible on the server.
Ps, exploiters don’t actually have access to the full source of code on the client. They can only reconstruct it based on the bytecode that Roblox gives each client. You can try to crash this reconstruction process but this is dependent on the exploit the client is using. The general guideline is that you shouldn’t have anything important in there to begin with.
your thought process should not be stopping exploiters from being able touch your game or shape it differently at all but rather as long as what this player is doing doesnt ruin other player’s experience or is unable to given his current limitations of what his able to do then this is fine
ask yourself “does cheaters stealing a version of my game that doesnt work functionally (pause) a power that they can use to ruin other player’s experience or devalue my game?”
the usual security practice that you see everybody doing applies this perfectly
it limits what exploiters can do and has no get arounds for exploiters to interfere with other players massively
the most exploiters can do when common security practice is applied is fly, walkspeed, no clip, etc
you would notice theres a pattern almost that they could only affect their own character