Have you found a solution yet? I haven’t…
What I would do in your place is this: I would copy the model. Then I would disable all scripts apart from the ones that are required for flipping. Then I would try to make it work there (enable/disable welds, anchoring, whatever, until it works). Afterwards you enable the other scripts and see if they break it.
30 CHARS!!! ROBLOX 30 FREAKING CHARSgjifjgdilohglifdhgifhgiudfhgildhligdfhlifdujg
I’ve done it, created a new script which only plays the animation of the tween and player and of the tween only, both don’t work…
I’ve also disabled all other scripts
Tinker with them until they work.
I think I’ve done enough actually. I’m going to scrap the animation of the gun.
Does the sound play? (30 chars)
Nobody ever built anything by quiting.
yes 30charssssssssssssssssssssss
try playing the tween without the remote event
Well… It seems like nothing’s working so trying isn’t going to help anymore.
is the model anchored?
(30 chars)
I found an error in you script, you are changing the position of the thing, not the CFrame
well now I’m changing the cframe and it doesn’t work, I’ve tried every possible thing you could think of. Trust me.
what value is flipped bool value
false and if the gun is equipped it is set to true
Why is it set to true when the gun is equipped
so that the flip animation can play