Is this a bug or is the scripting wrong PLEASE CLICK

So I have a game Its gonna be like one piece, from what I have seen 2 other people have made posts about this and to no avail nothing worked, so if your about to post “did you post it to your game or did you do this” just remake the script the way it should work, test it, it works? good send it.

so the problem is that I cant seem to get it to play the animation in either script, its either a animation or no error

heres the isolated place file:

Test.rbxl (72.6 KB)

make your own animation and put it in, test if it works, hope it does, if you can send back your own test file when it works (telling me something like oh doopity doo-ometer is off isn’t gonna help and its not the solution, please send in a fixed file cause this is stressing me as a new programmer with no videos covering it feels like being left in the dark… so fix pls)

And at no point have you actually mentioned what the problem is, or even what these other 2 posts were about. If you elaborate perhaps someone can help.

cant get it to play a single animation so pls fix?

I dont think you should just ask “fix it for me”…

well can you give any insight onto why im getting the bug?? its not very helpful to say nothing… helpful?

Yes I agree with @Dev_Peashie, on the developer forum (especially as a new programmer, like you mentioned) you shouldn’t just ask for the studio place with the solution (you also did not send any code to review, just a studio file). As a developer and dev forum user (I think I can speak for many when I say this) I prefer to teach people how to fix their problem rather than just give it to them. In the long run, learning is more useful than copying and pasting.

Also this is a repeat of a topic you already posted: Animation doesn't play on trigger


ok but you dont understand here I found 3 other posts with pro developers who were stumped and gave up I want an answer this is more likely a studio bug then anything

The only thing I understand from your very descriptive topic… is that an animation is not running properly and you sent a place file… Do you know that other devs are not allowed to even play an animation that they doesnt own? how could I test it if I cant play your animation?..

we cant debug without the script with the bug… and some of us arent on our personal computers…

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Your problem is that you put a localscript in ServerScriptService. Localscripts run on the client, not the server.
Refer here

Event.OnServerEvent only works in a server-script aswell. You don’t need to reference the player as game.Players.LocalPlayer because the player is already passed as an argument in the remote event

GumGumPistol.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, PistolTrigger)
	local humanoid = player:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
	-- load animation n stuff here
	GumPunchAnim:Play() --Plays anim

so what do I do then? I really need an answer for what I need to do to fix the problem? transport the local to workspace? starterpack? change anything?

yeah dude just transport the local scriptas she said, a local script wont run in server script service