Is this a good idea for a build in for the Build Challenge?

Hi, I wanna share my thoughts too based on the theme set for the building challenge

I’m thinking of making a small, low-poly style type of town on a floating island with a bit of detail near it.
E.g: Rocks, trees, bushes, etc
I would not be using softwares such as blender or plugings, i’m more over the type of person where only uses the basic tools in Roblox Studio

Does building a place like that would be good for submission?

— Thanks in advance!!


I would recommend you create an Ancient Forest Ravine as that’s what you’re supposed to be building. Right now, you haven’t met most of the theme requirements. Try making something that is both ancient and forest-like, but most importantly ravine-like.

Good luck.

EDIT: Removed plugin specifics.


Because my idea of making the forest ravine is as if there are about a few floating islands where each of them has some buildings on it

Here is a basic idea of what I’m tatlking about:

Got buildings, natural landscapes, with four old wooden bridges connecting the four islands together

Could this be a good plan?


Stick to the theme as much as you can… I may have misread but I thought plugins weren’t allowed.


I’m having trouble visualizing what you’re talking about. Do you know what a ravine is? It’s “a deep, narrow gorge with steep sides.” I’m not sure how floating islands come close to being a gorge.

See this?

That is a ravine. And so is this.

Consider changing your plan to include one. You need some sort of water feature in your build, and you don’t seem to have any at the moment.

I think I may have also misread… I’ll edit the post above.


I understand your explanation. For once, I cant actually imagine how is it going to be looking out…

It’ll be kind if you can gimme some visual ideas from you so that I could get a basic sense of how is it going to look. That’ll be nice😁

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But in other words, I guess I’ll just start all over from scratch by a new flat terrain template

And would it be ok if I have a low poly village or a town on it? I just wanna know

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Um, a grassy, fecund countryside with an enormous ravine just cutting through the center. Towering, Alp like mountains jut up from the earth and surround the farms. Have raging rapids flow down to the ocean. Place small villages on both sides of the gorge, and then string a path between the two. At the centerpoint above the ravine, create a narrow, rickety bridge.

That’s a concept.

That’s okay.

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Well thanks for telling me that! I appreciated it👍


So you mean something like this isn’t it? :-

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I feel like the main topic which that Building Challenge is focusing on is the ravine, not the top of the ravine. The theme is a bit confusing, but as I understood, it should be inside the ravine, not the top as the video shows and the ravine should be a lot bigger.

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It would be very pleasent if anyone like to show me some examples of making a simple ravine by photos or videos.

I wanna get a heads up of how generally it should be though😊

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Alrighty then, based on your suggestions, I tried my best and give it a go.

Some of the pictures of it:-

Let me know what you guys think of it, and any improvemets needed, thanks! :smile:


Configure the water transparency and reflection to make it look more realistic. :wink:


Well that’s the problem, when I put the water transparency to 1, it looks like that.

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I would say just experiment with the values and lighting, you could also put in a skybox which affects the water reflections.


Can you put it in a video showing what happens if you add skybox in lightning

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