I’m making a map for a close combat - style game.
What could I change about the layout?? Would this work well for a close combat game?
I’m making a map for a close combat - style game.
What could I change about the layout?? Would this work well for a close combat game?
It doesn’t seem that bad but there are certain areas where the other team could camp if captured.
(Idk what you mean by “close combat” so I’m assuming short ranged guns?)
Yeah, I meant Short ranged guns and melee.
Well; in that middle area if the other team manages to hold it they could just camp there until they die which would be annoying to the other team, perhaps make it two hallways instead of a turn down to the area?
You should also probably get rid of that little side room unless you add a direct path between the both of them as they could also spawn kill there; (unless ff is given)
The layout is pretty good, just make some areas thicker.
The map kinda does look like Camp triggerfish lol
Yea it is OKay to use that may be increase the size of the middle ones so that it may be the main battle area and avoid dead ends.
In general, not bad. One thing I would like to bring to your attention is that it creates bottlenecks. There should be more than one way to get around, rather than just one path through the centre. Simply sitting behind a wall while you use it for cover would make it almost impossible for you to be hit, while you can mow down the entire other team as soon as they walk around the corner. I would suggest giving some attention towards a second path, or potentially even a second middle zone.
The map looks really good although I would try and get rid of some of the hallways due to campers and that would annoy the other team.
Need some layout design help? Try this tutorial:
Add a second passageway to the other teams side so people can try surprise attacks.