Is this good OOP code?

So, I have been learning OOP, and this was my first time trying to actually make something work. This script changes the Color of a part, but I made it with OOP, let me know what I can improve on.

local Color = {}
Color.__index = Color

function Color.NewPart(part : BasePart)
	local self = setmetatable({}, Color)
	self.part = part
	return self

function Color:changeColor(color : Color3)
	self.part.Color = color

local Part = Color.NewPart(workspace.SpawnLocation)
Part:changeColor(, 0, 0.159243))
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You’ve done pretty well, your code should work perfectly fine. If you want, you can use this tutorial to make yourself better at OOP:

Or you can use my easy-to-use module to create classes and objects without knowing complicated things about metatables: Class++ | Classes and OOP made easy and powerful with Access Specifiers, function overloading and more!

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I understand the concept of it now, I will check out your OOP Module, and read the tutorial, thank you!

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Yes this is proper OOP, usually by convention we use .new and typically methods are capitalized like :ChangeColor, just things I’ve observed.

(assuming you return Color at the end of your module)

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