Is this possible to script?

Ive been thinking about this for a while and i just wanted to make sure that this is possible, can you script a camera into your game and watch people play it from roblox studio so you can see how players are enjoying your game.

That’s unfortunately not possible, you have to be present in the server to see what’s going on. However if you are interested in analytics tracking, there are plenty of modules to do that which won’t require you to be present.

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This is actually somewhat possible. I’m not sure who, but there was someone who was able to play with other people from inside Studio by replicating their real-time characters while playtesting and vice-versa. I assume you could apply the same concept here.

I saw this and believe it was done via MessagingService. It would be challenging to add in replication for all parts, chat and anything else you’d need as I assume that example was only for player replication.

It’s intended purpose is not streaming and to do so would be incredibly hacky but by all means go ahead and try haha

some sort of player tracker in game using Htttp Requests to track an average visit time (concurrent?)

I recommend the GameAnalytics module for anything like this. It’s super easy to set up and completely free!

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