Is this too much?

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. **What do you want to achieve? I want to learn all of these scripts image

I want to master these scripts all of them but idk if it’s too much tbh

Tell me if this is in the wrong category

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I don’t think this is really the right place for a post like this but I also don’t know where it’d go instead.

As for your question, once you learn one language it is much easier to learn new ones. So what I’d recommend is picking one language to focus on and once you’ve got that down, move to the other ones.

As for which one to start with, it doesn’t really matter, any would work. I’ve heard Python and Java recommended as starter-languages quite a bit but what I would say is that you should pick a language that you can do something with. If you chose to learn Lua first, for example, you will be able to immediately utilize it through the Roblox platform. Having something to do with what you’re learning will help you stay motivated and interested.

Good luck!

The real question is, what are you learning them for?

You’d want to consider whether these are things you’d want to eventually learn but I can say for certain that if you’re planning on learning these all at once, at the same time, this is probably a bit too much :stuck_out_tongue:

Things are best taken one step at a time. Take all the steps slowly and eventually you’ll find that you’re standing at your goal.

Generally, when learning a language, you should have some sort of goal in mind to use them for. For Lua, for instance, you can use it for Roblox development. JavaScript and Python each have their own respective Discord wrappers for Discord bots. Java is something you could use for making Minecraft plugins and mods. C# and C++ are used for the Unity and Unreal game engines respectively. Which of these are you interested in?

If you have multiple goals or want to try them, then having all of these goals is fine, but you don’t want to be too distracted by too many goals and end up leaving all of them incomplete. Sometimes, you have to pick and choose among your goals based on your interests.

Python is known as a good beginner language because its syntax is much less verbose and much of it is simple English, however, in simplicity, few can compete with Lua. Python, despite being known as a good beginner language, has a steeper learning curve than Lua. Others have even steeper learning curves. With Java, it’s a must to familiarize yourself with a concept known as “Object-Oriented Programming” (OOP) since everything is a class. Lower-level languages like C# and C++ have more things to keep in mind such as memory management. So this may be something you’d want to consider. It could also be based on your immediate interests. What do you have motivation for right now?

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I’m using all these languages with Roblox but thx

If you want to program on Roblox, learn Lua.

I’m learning them for Roblox (30 Characters)

For Roblox, the main language of the engine is definitely Lua. I can imagine why you’d want to learn either Python or JavaScript for Discord bots in the future for your community, however, the C++ and C# languages don’t have much of a connection.

I know there are some tools which use other languages as a replacement for Lua when coding using the Roblox API such as MoonScript and TypeScript. If you find either of these are preferable, you can consider learning them instead of Lua. Personally, I can’t say anything about these two languages because I haven’t used them; I find Lua simple and powerful enough for my purposes.

As for Python and JavaScript for Discord Bots, however, I’d normally recommend Python over JavaScript to a developer who previously coded exclusively in Lua because they may find the syntax simpler and more comfortable. Similarities can be found among any languages, though. It’s just a matter of to what degree.

Lua is the only language that Roblox has. Unless you’re planning to make a Discord bot (which wouldn’t be Roblox anyways), you can’t use any other languages for making Roblox games. But those languages would definitely be useful for development outside of Roblox.

I feel the phrase “Jack of all trades but master of none” suits this topic rather well, meaning that despite having knowledge of all the languages, you would not be a master at any of them.

Whilst it would be impressive to learn all these languages and skills, it would undoubtedly take a large amount of time to learn all and master them.

However by taking on such a demanding workload it is likely that you will miss out parts and knowledge of aspects of each language and can end up limiting yourself.

My suggestion would be to pick one from the list and get an advanced understanding of it before attempting to learn a new language as this will ensure that you become proficient and even a master at your chosen language rather than becoming semi fluent in every language.

If it is programming on roblox then you should focus your efforts on Lua as the other languages are pretty much irrelevant to roblox development (the exceptions being JavaScript and python as they would be required should you wish to make ranking or discord bots as @Asinphi has said) and would not benefit you.