Is zonePlus broken?

I recently came across this:

Does anyone know if zone plus should no longer be used? If so, what are the alternatives? Thanks :slight_smile:

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Yes, I checked that out, but it seems i am unable to access it when clicking the tool box link. It says that I “need permission” Aditionally, I have already implemented many things using zone plus–I am sure the switch to simple zone would be rather fast–that said, is it confirmed that zone plus is broken now?

can’t confirm that it’s “broken”, but I can say that for most use cases zoneplus can definitely be overkill

if all you need is to determine if a player is within a volume, one may not even need spatial query API.


I agree with @arbitiu , it really depends on how you use things. ZonePlus is likely running every frame when it likely does not need to. Also it is likely not using parallel processing if the server is lagging this much.

local function is_in_box(size, cframe)
	cframe = cframe:Inverse()
	size = size/2
	return function(pos)
		pos = cframe * pos
		return not ((pos.X >= size.X) or (pos.X <= -size.X)
			or	(pos.Y >= size.Y) or (pos.Y <= -size.Y)
			or (pos.Z >= size.Z) or (pos.Z <= -size.Z)

This is the code to check if a position is inside of a cframe and size.

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My game is way more optimized now–thanks! Sorry for the late reply, it took me a while to replace all the zones.