Issue detecting touched

Yes, I have CanCollide set to false, but CanTouch and CanQuery are set to True

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I assume that DomainEvent is a RemoteEvent? The syntax for FireClient() is as follows:
RemoteEvent:FireClient(player : Player, ... : any?)

You must pass a Player object to FireClient(), and getting the player can be achieved by using Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter():

local PLAYERS = game:GetService("Players")

local playerCharacter = workspace.pretendThisIsAPlayerCharacter


For your use case, you may prefer to make use of workspace:GetPartBoundsInRadius().

I believe that this should be much simpler than having to create a sphere each time, and you won’t have to worry about weird .Touched things.


Correct, DomainEvent is a remote event that I’m firing using a tool that’s firing to server. I see what you mean regarding the FireClient, I’ll have to adjust that too. I’m just unsure why my part isn’t being touched in the first place.

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I’ve never heard of that before, I’ll have to research that and try it out.

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I’ll look into “WorldRoot | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub” and if that yields any results I’ll come back and let you guys know, thank you all for helping me out

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(that was meant to be workspace:GetPartBoundsInRadius() i just don’t know how to do that.

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You can try using .Magnitude for this:


if ("Sphere" - "HumanoidRootPart").Magnitude <= 1 then

-- Fire Event



I’ve heard of magnitude before just never understood it, I guess I have that to look into as well. I’m relatively new to scripting so a lot of things still don’t make full sense to me like what to do and how to do it better and vice versa, so thank you guys for helping me.

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Magnitude is basically the distance from the origin to a given vector (vector could represent a velocity, position, etc.)


Oh I see so I set a position and then whatever I make the magnitude, it will basically just detect anything within said radius around my chosen point?


Not quite. Magnitude just returns a number.

I know what KingBlueDash was trying to get to, however his implementation was flawed. I would recommend just sticking to :GetPartsBoundInRadius()


For hitboxes like this I highly recommend using the ZonePlus module by ForeverHD.
From my experience it’s super accurate and has built-in functions for detecting either players (on the server) or localplayer (on the client).


I’ll 100% try that, I’m still new to modules so I don’t really know how they work or even really how to call them. Things like the lightning modules that people use.

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I imagine that’s like the other function called like “:GetsPartsInPart”?

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Pretty similar yeah. Only difference is that the PartsBoundInRadius one does a spherical area while teh PartsInPart one does a box area (the part that is passed as a parameter to the parts in part function.)


For something like this you would just insert the module in ReplicatedStorage, call it using
Zone = require(ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild(“Zone”)
and to create the “Zone” (hitbox) do
VoidZone =
and replace VoidHitBox.Touched with VoidZone.playerEntered which also returns the player who touched it

From my experience it’s best to avoid touched events wherever possible because they are unreliable/inaccurate. You won’t regret taking the leap to ZonePlus :smiley:


I’ll also be trying this since that actually makes solid sense in my current standing of knowledge, again thank you all for being so helpful. For my last 6 years of development I had relied on “Hidden Developers” for help and the most I got was ridicule and silence but the help that you guys have given me tonight is more than I’ve recieved in the past 6 years so thank you guys SO much.


I just did this and it was SO simple compared to touch and it actually WORKS! Thank you so much for your help


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