Issue with an AI code

True, But not everyone knows how to code, Even if its simple, Certain AI is actually really helpful with simple stuff.

You don’t just know it … you have to work for that. Truth is you never stop learning to script.
I’m just saying AI is not your answers …

you are using Serversided script and in it you have game.Players.LocalPlayer which is illegal for serverscripts

At certain points, Yes, But AI has actually helped me a lot when i didn’t know how to script, In fact, AI taught me some stuff about roblox that i never knew.

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We already established this in a different reply

There is no substitute to hands on learning and research.
Right now you’re asking questions without any research … who do I respond to, you or your AI.
Last thing I want to do is reinforce bad habits. Have a great day!

Start here

Sorry about the whole argument in your topic, I know that can be really annoying.

Possibly try a YT video, AI Sometimes tends to mess stuff up, As well as i think using Touched Events are a bad idea, I barely use UI like this so im not completely sure, Maybe try adding a cooldown for it, Or maybe make so the player has to close the UI themselves instead of the code doing it.