I kinda need to log out though, I have a main account I’d rather be on.
.SetCookie is not a function, setCookie is though…
Yeah well spot. My advice is to use TWO browsers. One main and one for bots.
You need to use an incognito window.
I used Microsoft Edge, it’s still online, I just closed the browser.
Make sure not to log out of the bot’s browser. Also , like I said earlier, make sure to |WARNING:-DO-NOT-SHARE-THIS.–Sharing-this-will-allow-someone-to-log-in-as-you-and-to-steal-your-ROBUX-and-items.| Part
What do you want me to do there, exactly?
The bot being online does not matter, did you get a new cookie and put it in your code?
Yes, I get no errors right now, it just says it’s running on port 300, but nothing happens when I rank the user.
Can you post the line that has the setRank function?
Here’s the script that sets it (everything works, and the messages are being sent):
local BotManager = {}
local HttpService = game:GetService('HttpService')
local GlitchURL = 'https://bs-bot-manager.glitch.me/'
function BotManager:SetRank(UserId, Rank)
--game:GetService("HttpService"):GetAsync(GlitchURL .. "ranker?userid=%d" .. UserId .. "&rank=%d" .. Rank)
return HttpService:GetAsync('%s%d%d'):format(GlitchURL, UserId, Rank)
return BotManager
Can you log what setRank returns?
Roblox console prints “Ranked!”
But… The website gives me this error: Unhandled rejection Error: There are two or more roles with the rank undefined. You must specify the role name.
You can get the role ID’s in your group with:
After that, get your group ID and the players UID you want to promote and use this:
I tried it on a user in my group and it worked perfectly.
If you can’t get it to work with noblox.js, then what you would want to is make your own POST requests to those APIs I listed with your bots _ROBLOSECURITY Cookie as the cookie request parameter.
What line is the error coming from?
How would that work exactly?
Spam cuz roblox is bad at moderating, don’t want my reply to be pending
Roblox console prints “Ranked!”
But… The website gives me this error: Unhandled rejection Error: There are two or more roles with the rank undefined. You must specify the role name.
You already said that, but what line is this error from?
print(game:GetService(“HttpService”):GetAsync(GlitchURL … “ranker?userid=%d” … UserId … “&rank=%d” … Rank))
Well, you need to look at the console on Glitch, and look for where is the error from.