Issue with placement grid letting blocks go inside of eachother

I’m working on a system where you can pick up a brick, and then place it somewhere else. Everything works fine, except for sometimes the brick clips into walls when selected. Can anybody tell me how to fix this?

What the brick is supposed to look like:

Brick clipping into walls when selected:

local function updateBrickPosition()
	local hitPosition = mouse.Hit.Position
	local hitNormal =, 1, 0)

	local target = mouse.Target
	if target and target:IsA("BasePart") then
		hitNormal = target.CFrame:pointToWorldSpace(target.Position) - hitPosition
		hitNormal = hitNormal.Unit

	-- Calculate the adjusted position to prevent going into walls
	local hitAdjustment = hitNormal * (brik.Size.Y / 2)
	local adjustedPosition = hitPosition - hitAdjustment

	-- Calculate the final position using grid snapping
	local BlockPos =, brik.Size.Y / 2, 0) + adjustedPosition
	local XPos = math.round(BlockPos.X / step) * step
	local YPos = math.round(BlockPos.Y / step) * step
	local ZPos = math.round(BlockPos.Z / step) * step
	BlockPos =, YPos, ZPos)

	brik.CFrame =
	brik.Transparency = 0.5
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it is easier if you copy the script and show us so we can fix the script yk

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Done, sorry! I didn’t really think about that.

  1. Use Cast Rays: Instead of calculating the hit position and normal manually, consider using Roblox’s built-in ray-casting functions like Workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList to detect collisions. This can help you avoid issues with bricks clipping into walls.
  2. Collision Filtering: Ensure that you are filtering out the brick itself from the ray-casting process so that it doesn’t detect collisions with itself. You can create an IgnoreList and add the brick to it.

Here’s the script of how you can update your code to use ray-casting:

-- Assuming 'mouse' and 'brik' are already defined

local function updateBrickPosition()
    local ray =, mouse.Direction * 100) -- Adjust the length as needed
    local ignoreList = {brik} -- Create an IgnoreList and add the brick

    local hit, hitPosition, hitNormal = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(ray, ignoreList)

    if hit then
        -- Calculate the final position using grid snapping
        local BlockPos = hitPosition - hitNormal * (brik.Size.Y / 2)
        local XPos = math.round(BlockPos.X / step) * step
        local YPos = math.round(BlockPos.Y / step) * step
        local ZPos = math.round(BlockPos.Z / step) * step
        BlockPos =, YPos, ZPos)

        brik.CFrame =
        brik.Transparency = 0.5

This code uses a ray to find the collision point and normal with the Workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList function. It also filters out the brick itself to prevent self-collision issues. You can adjust the ray’s length based on your needs to prevent clipping into walls.

That didn’t work, also I’ve already tried fixing the issue with ai generated responses, so please don’t use those here, 99% of the time they don’t work as intended.

I really need help with this, if anybody can help please respond.

Try implementing this :slight_smile:

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That definitely made it better, but now when you put it up to a wall, it automatically clips halfway into it. Is there a way to fix this?

I’m guessing this works when you are placing this on the ground thought right?

You can changed your adjusted position to account for the X and Z size of the object you are placing. You should try something like this:

(Since you said you are using raycasts. I changed this to result.Normal)

local hitAdjustment = * (brik.Size.X / 2), result.Normal.Y * (brik.Size.Y / 2), result.Normal.Z * (brik.Size.Z / 2))
local adjustedPosition = hitPosition - hitAdjustment

I’m not using raycasts, what is “result” supposed to be?

It would be your hitNormal. After that you can use that normal and move the adjusted position based from the size.

It works on some surfaces, but not others.