I gotta check if the object he sent in the remote event is part of the GemButtons_Folder?
Like a simple if statement?
I gotta check if the object he sent in the remote event is part of the GemButtons_Folder?
Like a simple if statement?
Loot_to_Inventory_Event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, textbutton)
if GemsButtons_Folder:FindFirstChild(textbutton) and textbutton:IsA("TextButton") then
local TextButton = GemsButtons_Folder:FindFirstChild(textbutton)
if TextButton then
print("Text Button has been cloned")
TextButton:Clone().Parent = plr:FindFirstChild("Inventory")
Will this make the script harder to exploit?
I was thinking this
Loot_to_Inventory_Event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, Button)
if typeof(Button) == "Instance" and Button:IsDescendantOf(Player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui"):WaitForChild("InventoryFrame")) then
local NewButton = Button:Clone()
NewButton.Parent = Player:WaitForChild("Inventory")
either way, the issue with your script seems to be that youâre using is that youâre using findfirstchild with an instance, this should work
Loot_to_Inventory_Event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, textbutton)
if GemsButtons_Folder:FindFirstChild(textbutton.Name) and textbutton:IsA("TextButton") then
local TextButton = GemsButtons_Folder:FindFirstChild(textbutton.Name)
if TextButton then
print("Text Button has been cloned")
TextButton:Clone().Parent = plr:FindFirstChild("Inventory")
textbutton is a String, not an instance.
thats how I launch it on the client
--Make a new TextButton so its not clickable
textbutton:Clone().Parent = PlayerGui:WaitForChild("InventoryScreenGui"):WaitForChild("InventoryFrame").ScrollingFrame
the script you gave me is for server and on the server script, textbutton is a String, not an Instance like on the client (because I passed the server the name of the textbutton)
OH that makes sense, your use of IsA on the string confused me a lot
would this work for you?
Loot_to_Inventory_Event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, textbutton)
local TextButton = GemsButtons_Folder:FindFirstChild(textbutton)
if TextButton and TextButton:IsA("TextButton") then
print("Text Button has been cloned")
TextButton:Clone().Parent = plr:FindFirstChild("Inventory")
attempt to index nil with 'IsA'
Because the server cant find the damn GemButton_Folder when its clearly there
Loot_to_Inventory_Event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, textbutton)
local TextButton = GemsButtons_Folder:FindFirstChild(textbutton)
if TextButton:IsA("TextButton") and TextButton then
print("Text Button has been cloned")
TextButton:Clone().Parent = plr:FindFirstChild("Inventory")
But will this make it harder to exploit tho?
itâs harder to exploit, but try directly copying and pasting it from my post
this checks if the textbutton exists properly before calling IsA on it
if TextButton and TextButton:IsA("TextButton") then
this does not
if TextButton:IsA("TextButton") and TextButton then
I did, this.
I found something that may explain the issue!
When I print every child inside the GemButtons_Folder, the one I need is Missing!
In this image, I had Citrine (which is missing)
well thatâs confusing, now Iâm curious if youâre deleting it in some other script without knowing it
I could be wrong, but I think thereâs no reason why the remote would be deleting the object
Basically, I forgot to add Clone() so when I was moving the TextButton, it was the ORIGINAL TextButton from the ServerStorage, not the one I cloned!
local ClonedGemButton = GemsButtons_Folder:FindFirstChild(gem.Name):Clone()
I forgot the :Clone()
Thank you for your help! :))
awesome, glad to see you got it fixed
Btw, this script is harder to exploit right? What else should I do?
Loot_to_Inventory_Event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, textbutton)
local TextButton = GemsButtons_Folder:FindFirstChild(textbutton)
if TextButton and TextButton:IsA("TextButton") then
TextButton:Clone().Parent = plr:FindFirstChild("Inventory")
yeah thatâll work, since itâs just a string currently, itâs perfectly fine