Issue with Uploading .mov Files in the Videos Section

I have encountered an issue where it is currently not possible to upload .mov files in the Videos section. When attempting to upload a .mov file, I receive the error message “Wrong Format,” even though .mov files should be supported for upload.


File Size: 21 mb
Video Length: 2 seconds
Browser/OS: Firefox, Windows 10

Expected behavior

I expect to be able to upload .mov files without encountering any format-related errors.
And I need to upload .mov files because mp4 has no alpha channel. :confused:

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I believe Roblox will only support H.264 and likely will not support ProRes. You may upload H.264 .mov but not ProRes .mov. Unfortunately, H.264 does not support alpha channel. This “bug report” likely will be more of a feature request key.

They should’ve stated it clear on which codecs are supported.

The problem here is that you’re uploading with a codec (considered format) likely not accepted

Alright, I have to do it differently then. Thanks

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Thanks for the heads up. Looking into more descriptive error messaging for this.

As a semi-related heads up, we currently do not preserve alpha channel for video uploads at this time.

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