Issues with controllable turret with mouse controls, with model rotation and animations

Hello i has been searching for alot of turret guides, tutorials but they didnt have had the explanation of functionality ive been needed

I has tried to use the AI help, Youtube help, Devforum help but the tutorials were to simple, or basically messed up code, or incompatible for me

I am was trying to make the turret based on mouse controls, when player goes on turret seat, animation plays of player staying with holding the turret, and when player rotates the some part of model rotates 360, i am made the part called BallPart which acts as neck for turret and only Ball and Gatling model rotates while the holding parts (cylinders) welded to the vehicle like zippelin, car, i also rigged the specific part of turret which would use animation to spin while player shoots it, and i made the part which shots with bullets from Replicated Storage, i also planned to add sounds to it, and the also this turret would be attached to the moving vehicle

And again i didnt found the good explanation source, anything i found was scripting supports posts which has been staying unsolved, or used hard methods

i tried to search how to rig the turret with 2 model and 1 containing HumananoidRootPart and 2 model contains the rest of part
basically animated part of turret + whole part of turret, and i didnt found any other guide
so is there anyone who could tell or give some source how do i weld properly turret, and how do i properly connect and achieve what i need

Controllable turret.rbxm (33,6 КБ)

Heres the rbxm turret file
So i am asking for help, thanks for anyone who could help

A Mouse-Controlled Turret - Help and Feedback / Scripting Support - Developer Forum | Roblox

Watch/read these to solve ur problem

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