Issues with free admin place

Can you gyazo gif the script? Screenshot the script In studio… <3 thanks.

Screen Shot 2020-05-03 at 11.13.11 AM

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sorry about baseplate being there, dont type that lol

Thank you, so much dude, It works <3

uhh… can you help again? Forceplace kicks works fine but If you write number like this :forceplace all 50000 It works…

hmmm let me finish eating rq, ill look into it after

Oh ok… Thanks!..

sooo, i’m not the most experienced scripter but i know you can make it where the message is “:forceplace examplePlayerName 50000” i’m going to try to figure out how, you should too

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actually right now im testing to see if i can make it, ill let you know if i manage

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you should search up on youtube “roblox studio ban system”, change the text to be “:permban”

As lucke mentioned, the current version doesn’t support removable commands without directly editing the MainModule.

In V3 you can achieve this by doing CommandService:removeCommand(name); for the time being your best bet is setting the commands rank to 5 and setting ‘OnlyShowUsableCommands’ to true.


Mr.ForeverHD, I aleardy did the second advice, but… can you help me to, edit module?