Issues with Moving “Train” Platforms that exceed Humanoid WalkSpeed


I’ve been experimenting with raycasting and CFraming recently in order to become more well-rounded, and I was interested in creating platforms that Characters could automatically move with. During this process, I stumbled across a topic that tyridge77 and badcc provided insight on, as they’ve implemented trains in the respective games they work on (The Wild West & Jailbreak).

Utilizing the information provided there, including placebo code from a couple of posts, I put together something that I was satisfied with until realizing that Characters were unable to leave the moving platform in the direction it’s moving in when exceeding the Humanoid’s WalkSpeed.

Video Examples

Video 1 Description: The first video demonstrates the moving platforms in my testing place at various speeds. The yellow, blue, and red platforms are the only parts contained in the raycast whitelist; the translucent parts that my Character walks on are not included.

Video 1 Notes: I understand that the Character is unable to leave the platform because of how physics take over when the raycast does not find any whitelisted part to teleport the Character above. When the platform is slower than the Character, the platform cannot keep up with the Character, and vice versa. However, I am unsure of how I can accurately compensate for this without accidentally teleporting the Character when it’s not necessary.

Video 2 Description: In the second video, I went into Jailbreak and The Wild West in order to run similar tests that I did in my place. While I’m unsure of the speed that the trains were moving at, it’s clear that both of the trains exceeded the WalkSpeed of the Humanoid when walking or sprinting.

Video 2 Notes: The behavior of Jailbreak’s raycasting is similar to what was demonstrated in my test place – this is especially clear at the very front of the train. However, I was baffled by The Wild West because it allowed the Character to smoothly exit the boundaries of the train in the direction it’s moving in, even though the train is moving faster than the Character is able to.

Code & Test Place

The code for the raycasting & teleporting of the Character along with the Tweening of the moving platforms can be found below. While I understand how the code works, take note that I am not adept with raycasting & CFraming. Because this is the first project I’ve worked on that revolves around these concepts, there are likely many nuances that I’ll be unaware of until I garner more experience.

Raycasting Test Place (3.20.2021).rbxl (27.7 KB)

Character Raycasting code

The code I have below was derived/based on this topic in regards to moving platforms.

(Extra lines of code were omitted from this, including the Raycast Visualization)

local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local player = Players.LocalPlayer

local lastObjectRaycasted -- Last part that was hit by a raycast
local lastObjectCFrame -- The part's CFrame at the time

local Function
local Function2

local Whitelist = {workspace.MovableItems.MovingParts}

Function = RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function()
	local Character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
	local HumanoidRootPart = player.Character.HumanoidRootPart
	local raycastParams =
	raycastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = Whitelist
	raycastParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Whitelist
-- I plan on making this more efficient in the future
	local raycastParams2 =
	raycastParams2.FilterDescendantsInstances = {lastObjectRaycasted}
	raycastParams2.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Whitelist
-- Two separate RaycastResults in case a previous Instance is still stored
	local RaycastResult = workspace:Raycast(HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.Position,,-20,0), raycastParams)
	local lastObjectRaycastedRaycastResult = workspace:Raycast(HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.Position,,-20,0), raycastParams2)
	local updatedInfo

-- If Character is still above the "lastObjectRaycasted", then...
	if lastObjectRaycasted and lastObjectRaycastedRaycastResult then
		updatedInfo = lastObjectRaycastedRaycastResult -- Stores Raycast Result into updatedInfo
	else -- Otherwise, updatedInfo is set to the Raycast Result that detects any descendant of the "MovingParts" folder
		updatedInfo = RaycastResult
		lastObjectRaycasted = nil
	if updatedInfo then -- If a raycast found a part in the whitelist...
		local raycastInstance = updatedInfo.Instance
		if not lastObjectCFrame then -- Prevents relativeDistance from erroring if no value is stored already
			lastObjectCFrame = raycastInstance.CFrame
		local currentCFrame
		if lastObjectRaycasted and raycastInstance ~= lastObjectRaycasted then
			currentCFrame = lastObjectRaycasted.CFrame -- Updates currentCFrame to the last object that was stored if it doesn't align with the current raycastInstance
			currentCFrame = raycastInstance.CFrame
		local relativeDistance = currentCFrame * lastObjectCFrame:Inverse() -- Finds the relativeDistance from the CFrame of the current Instance & the previous one that was stored
		HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = relativeDistance * HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
		lastObjectRaycasted = raycastInstance
		lastObjectCFrame = raycastInstance.CFrame
	else -- If raycast didn't return a result, the lastObjectCFrame will be cleared
		lastObjectCFrame = nil
	if not Function2 then
		Function2 = player.Character.Humanoid.Died:Connect(function()

Moving Platform code

Explorer Hierarchy

-- This tweens every descendant that is a BasePart in the MovableItems folder

local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")

local MovingPlatformTween =

	20 seconds = 20 studs a second
	25 seconds = 16 studs a second
	400/15 seconds = 15 studs a second



for _,Item in ipairs(workspace.MovableItems:GetDescendants()) do
	if Item:IsA("BasePart") then
		local Goal = {
			CFrame = Item.CFrame +, 0, -400)
		local MoveItem = TweenService:Create(Item, MovingPlatformTween, Goal)

I appreciate you taking the time to read this! :slight_smile:


Super cool research that have done on raycasting and cframe. I am pretty sure the ‘train’ element that was implemented in both jailbreak, and the wild west wasn’t a local script as all players see the same. I checked out the file and opened your game in my studios after looking at the scripts, I also learned a thing or two about raycasting, thanks.


Take note that I did post this topic in #help-and-feedback:code-review, so even if you’ve learned something from this topic, remember that I’m looking for improvements/optimizations since the behavior that’s exhibited under certain circumstances is not ideal. I provided a disclaimer that this is the first project I’ve worked on that revolves around these concepts at the end of the post, which means that I am most definitely not utilizing the best practices for raycasting & CFraming quite yet.

Also, The Wild West updates the CFrame of each player on the client (as to reduce load on the server), but the position of other players on the train (from each client’s perspective) are given that information based on what the server found, as noted by tyridge’s post that I referenced:


Me and @StrongBigeMan9 have discussed this in dms and we began brain storming what it could be, and after a while, we eventually got to a solution, but there were a few hiccups here and there

LookVector is terrible for this

At first, I thought “Maybe I could use LookVector for this”, and it worked…somewhat. What I did was use the LookVector to add an angle to the Raycast, since at first it was just going completely down. And it did fix the issue, but it wasn’t perfect. What happened was that it wouldn’t keep you on if the part moved and you’re at the edge or when you tried to go off it backwards via shift locking, looking away, and trying to get off, as the part would keep you on. Eventually, this was not ideal, and I quickly went back to the drawing board, and that was eventually when I discovered the fix for it

The Fix

After a while of trial and error, I remembered the MoveDirection Property of humanoids, which describes the XYZ unit of the humanoid of where it is moving. With this knowledge, I did this

  • Create a variable for the down vector of the Raycast which is the UpVector of the RootPart multiplied by -13
  • Create a variable For the move direction of the Humanoid multipled by 2.5 for what I used
  • Create a variable for the angle which is just DownVector subtracted by The X and Z of our multiplied MoveDirection
  • Make the direction of both Raycasts to the angle variable

This worked for every situation @StrongBigeMan9 would face, the only issue would be trying to jump off the part in the same direction as it is going, but that’s not an issue with this as it’s because the part is moving faster than your WalkSpeed


Once I discovered this, I immediately messaged him with my findings and it worked for him and I even thought him something new since he has never heard of MoveDirection haha, but of course it’s fine he didn’t know, we can’t expect anyone to be 100% knowledgeable in everything!


Extra Info!

Oh and just to clarify for anyone else that comes across this thread, I tested it at one of the same speeds as shown in the video (20 “WalkSpeed” for the platform) and it allowed my Character to leave the platform in the direction it was moving in (when it originally wouldn’t at all) – it’s just that the player’s Character was unable to remain on the adjacent part due to the speed the platforms were going at (which is completely understandable). If the part is much closer/the platforms aren’t moving as fast, the Character may be able to swap smoothly.

To see a video example with the new changes, click here or scroll down to the (New) Video Example section. Or, for even more fun, click the smiley face to be automatically brought to that section :slight_smile:

Code Changes

Example Place & Updated Code

Raycasting Test Place (Fixed Version!).rbxl (27.5 KB)

Click here for the updated code in its entirety
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local player = Players.LocalPlayer

local lastObjectRaycasted
local lastObjectCFrame

local Function
local Function2

local Whitelist = {workspace.MovableItems.MovingParts}

Function = RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function()
	local Character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
	local Humanoid = Character.Humanoid
	local HumanoidRootPart = Character.HumanoidRootPart
	local raycastParams =
	raycastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = Whitelist
	raycastParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Whitelist
	local raycastParams2 =
	raycastParams2.FilterDescendantsInstances = {lastObjectRaycasted}
	raycastParams2.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Whitelist
	local downVector = HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.UpVector * -13
	local moveDirection = Humanoid.MoveDirection * 2.5
	local angle = downVector -, 0, moveDirection.Z)
	local RaycastResult = workspace:Raycast(HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.Position, angle, raycastParams)
	local lastObjectRaycastedRaycastResult = workspace:Raycast(HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.Position, angle, raycastParams2)
	local updatedInfo
	if lastObjectRaycasted and lastObjectRaycastedRaycastResult then
		updatedInfo = lastObjectRaycastedRaycastResult
		updatedInfo = RaycastResult
		lastObjectRaycasted = nil
	if updatedInfo then
		local distance = (HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.Position - updatedInfo.Position).Magnitude
		local visualizer ="Part")
		visualizer.Anchored = true
		visualizer.Transparency = 0.5
		visualizer.BrickColor ="New Yeller")
		visualizer.CanCollide = false
		visualizer.Size =, 0.1, distance)
		visualizer.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.Position, updatedInfo.Position) *, 0, -distance/2)
		visualizer.Parent = workspace
		local raycastInstance = updatedInfo.Instance
		if not lastObjectCFrame then
			lastObjectCFrame = raycastInstance.CFrame
		local currentCFrame
		if lastObjectRaycasted and raycastInstance ~= lastObjectRaycasted then
			currentCFrame = lastObjectRaycasted.CFrame
			currentCFrame = raycastInstance.CFrame
		local relativeDistance = currentCFrame * lastObjectCFrame:Inverse()
		HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = relativeDistance * HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
		lastObjectRaycasted = raycastInstance
		lastObjectCFrame = raycastInstance.CFrame
		lastObjectCFrame = nil
	if not Function2 then
		Function2 = player.Character.Humanoid.Died:Connect(function()

Explanation Section

The changes to the code revolved around these lines – more specifically, the calculation involved with the direction of the raycast:

local RaycastResult = workspace:Raycast(HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.Position,,-20,0), raycastParams)
local lastObjectRaycastedRaycastResult = workspace:Raycast(HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.Position,,-20,0), raycastParams2)

Instead of casting it directly downward, @EmbatTheHybrid incorporated the Humanoid’s MoveDirection as to determine the direction that the Character is moving toward. This ensures that the Character is not “locked” from leaving the platform in a particular direction and that they do not fall off when jumping in place near the edge of the platform (which was an issue when LookVector was used on an individual axis).

local downVector = HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.UpVector * -13 -- Vertical aspect / 13 studs downward from HumanoidRootPart
local moveDirection = Humanoid.MoveDirection * 2.5 -- (Edit: This is multiplying the MoveDirection and not adding! I mixed up multiplying CFrames together vs a Vector3 value and a single number) 
local angle = downVector -,0,moveDirection.Z) -- Subtracts the moveDirection so that the raycast ends up casting behind the Character

Note: Because the Humanoid’s MoveDirection is being referenced, ensure that a variable has been created for the Humanoid at the start of the function (above/below the HumanoidRootPart variable).

The direction that the ray is cast would then need to be adjusted inside of the RaycastResult variables from a static, -20, 0) to using the angle that was calculated above.

local RaycastResult = workspace:Raycast(HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.Position, angle, raycastParams)
local lastObjectRaycastedRaycastResult = workspace:Raycast(HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.Position, angle, raycastParams2)

For those of you coming across this post, keep in mind that that the value which is multiplied by the MoveDirection in addition to the negative offset of the UpVector may need to be adjusted, however, the current values of -13 and 2.5 worked well for my use case.

(New) Video Example

Raycast Visualization

Just in case anyone is curious about how the raycast visualization was achieved, I based it off of the following post by incapaz:

Here’s how it was incorporated into the code:

if updatedInfo then -- For reference
		local distance = (HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.Position - updatedInfo.Position).Magnitude
		local visualizer ="Part")
		visualizer.Anchored = true
		visualizer.Transparency = 0.5
		visualizer.BrickColor ="New Yeller")
		visualizer.CanCollide = false
		visualizer.Size =, 0.1, distance)
		visualizer.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.Position, updatedInfo.Position) *, 0, -distance/2)
		visualizer.Parent = workspace

        Debris:AddItem(visualizer, # of seconds until it disappears)
        -- Optional to have this; make sure to define Debris at top of LocalScript

		local raycastInstance = updatedInfo.Instance -- For reference


@EmbatTheHybrid, thank you very much once again for the extraordinary help with this! I really appreciate the time and support :smiley:


Anytime! I thank you for coming to me for help, it means a lot to me! Also, a bit of a correction

This actually multiplies 2.5 with all the axis in MoveDirection

So if it was (0.5,0,-1)

It would become


Least, that’s what I believe haha


Hey! i found this thread and decided to try this script, but I dislike it moving me along if I jump, how can I go about taking that away?

1 Like

Before explaining a solution that uses raycasting, I’d recommend taking a look one of the alternative ways of creating a moving platform, as the usage of Mover Constraints to create player-ridable platforms can achieve that without any code. Here’s a really good example of that:

And here’s a direct link to the example model that Scottifly created

But in order to make that possible using the scripts from this thread, you’d need to reduce the distance that the raycast travels downwards from the Character model.

It’s currently set up in a way that ensures the raycast will be long enough to detect the platform below the Character model when jumping in place (even if they are not standing directly on the platform but maybe on something a few studs above it), so we would need to figure out the distance from the HumanoidRootPart to the bottom of the Character model.

Funnily enough, this scenario would be better suited for how the raycasting was done in the original post since that one raycasted directly downwards, whereas the solution for my use case updated it to raycast at an angle (via the “moveDirection” variable).

Edit: Disregard this! I had forgotten the purpose of these variables and it turned out that it was still necessary for the solution to this separate use case :grin:

Changes to the code

  • After defining the “raycastParams” in the Heartbeat function (and right before the “downVector”, “moveDirection”, and “angle” variables) we’ll need to figure out how many studs downwards the raycast will need to go in order to reach the bottom of the Character’s legs.

    This can be calculated through the Humanoid.HipHeight, which defines how many studs above the ground that the HumanoidRootPart should be while the Character is standing. Depending on whether or not an R6 or R15 Character model is being used, the formula will be different, so the code will need to check if Humanoid.RigType is equal to R6 or R15:

-- New additions to the code
	local addBufferDistance = false -- Set this to true if Characters are not consistently sticking to moving platforms
	local OPTIONALbufferDistance = 0.5 -- If above is true, this will be added onto the "distanceToBottomOfCharacterModel"
	local distanceToBottomOfCharacterModel = 0
	local RigType = Humanoid.RigType
	if RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15 then
		distanceToBottomOfCharacterModel = (0.5 * HumanoidRootPart.Size.Y) + Humanoid.HipHeight
	elseif RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6 then
		local characterLeg = Character:FindFirstChild("Left Leg") or Character:FindFirstChild("Right Leg")
		if characterLeg then 
			local characterLegHeight = characterLeg.Size.Y
			distanceToBottomOfCharacterModel = characterLegHeight + (0.5 * HumanoidRootPart.Size.Y) + Humanoid.HipHeight
			warn("Character has no legs")
			distanceToBottomOfCharacterModel = (0.5 * HumanoidRootPart.Size.Y) + 0.2
		warn("No Character RigType found")
	if addBufferDistance == true then
		distanceToBottomOfCharacterModel += OPTIONALbufferDistance

  • Lastly we need to change the “downVector” variable to utilize the “distanceToBottomOfCharacterModel” rather than the large number that had been ensuring the subsequent raycast would be able to find the moving platform, even if it was a bit further away:
local downVector = HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.UpVector * -distanceToBottomOfCharacterModel

Now, the raycast should be the perfect length to only detect the moving platform while the player is standing directly on it.

Full LocalScript code (to be used if you don’t want the player’s Character to be moved along with the platform while jumping)

Here’s what the LocalScript code looks like after making those changes:

local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local player = Players.LocalPlayer

local lastObjectRaycasted
local lastObjectCFrame

local Function
local Function2

local Includelist = {workspace.MovableItems.MovingParts}

Function = RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function()
	local Character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
	local Humanoid = Character.Humanoid
	local HumanoidRootPart = Character.HumanoidRootPart
	local raycastParams =
	raycastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = Includelist
	raycastParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Include
	local raycastParams2 =
	raycastParams2.FilterDescendantsInstances = {lastObjectRaycasted}
	raycastParams2.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Include
	local addBufferDistance = false -- Set this to true if Characters are not consistently sticking to moving platforms
	local OPTIONALbufferDistance = 0.5 -- If above is true, this will be added onto the "distanceToBottomOfCharacterModel"
	local distanceToBottomOfCharacterModel = 0
	local RigType = Humanoid.RigType
	if RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15 then
		distanceToBottomOfCharacterModel = (0.5 * HumanoidRootPart.Size.Y) + Humanoid.HipHeight
	elseif RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6 then
		local characterLeg = Character:FindFirstChild("Left Leg") or Character:FindFirstChild("Right Leg")
		if characterLeg then 
			local characterLegHeight = characterLeg.Size.Y
			distanceToBottomOfCharacterModel = characterLegHeight + (0.5 * HumanoidRootPart.Size.Y) + Humanoid.HipHeight
			warn("Character has no legs")
			distanceToBottomOfCharacterModel = (0.5 * HumanoidRootPart.Size.Y) + 0.2
		warn("No Character RigType found")
	if addBufferDistance == true then
		distanceToBottomOfCharacterModel += OPTIONALbufferDistance
	local downVector = HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.UpVector * -distanceToBottomOfCharacterModel
	local moveDirection = Humanoid.MoveDirection * 2.5
	local angle = downVector -, 0, moveDirection.Z)
	local RaycastResult = workspace:Raycast(
	local lastObjectRaycastedRaycastResult = workspace:Raycast(
	local updatedInfo
	if lastObjectRaycasted and lastObjectRaycastedRaycastResult then
		updatedInfo = lastObjectRaycastedRaycastResult
		updatedInfo = RaycastResult
		lastObjectRaycasted = nil
	if updatedInfo then
		local distance = (HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.Position - updatedInfo.Position).Magnitude
		local visualizer ="Part")
		visualizer.Anchored = true
		visualizer.Transparency = 0.5
		visualizer.BrickColor ="New Yeller")
		visualizer.CanCollide = false
		visualizer.Size =, 0.1, distance)
		visualizer.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.Position, updatedInfo.Position) *, 0, -distance/2)
		visualizer.Parent = workspace
		local raycastInstance = updatedInfo.Instance
		if not lastObjectCFrame then
			lastObjectCFrame = raycastInstance.CFrame
		local currentCFrame
		if lastObjectRaycasted and raycastInstance ~= lastObjectRaycasted then
			currentCFrame = lastObjectRaycasted.CFrame
			currentCFrame = raycastInstance.CFrame
		local relativeDistance = currentCFrame * lastObjectCFrame:Inverse()
		HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = relativeDistance * HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
		lastObjectRaycasted = raycastInstance
		lastObjectCFrame = raycastInstance.CFrame
		lastObjectCFrame = nil
	if not Function2 then
		Function2 = player.Character.Humanoid.Died:Connect(function()
1 Like