Issues with Roblox Apis (Badges, AccountSettings, Translations...)

Just today I have noticed that some weird things happened to the badge system (Web and Studio). Yesterday everything was working just fine. Let me list few issues that occur. The issues seem to happen on every game.

  1. Badge list on games is gone.
    [BIG UPDATE] Military Simulator 💂 - Roblox

  2. You can’t preview the badges in studio.

Badges do exist and are linked with this game!

  1. Editting a badge doesn’t load current data.

Note: Awarding badges and previewing them on user’s profile works good.

EDIT: Seems that other apis are unavailable also currently. See Issues with Roblox Apis (Badges, AccountSettings, Translations...) - #14 by Etheroit for reference.


Here’s the errors I get in studio:
It’s worth to note that you can see player badges on profiles still, proving they still exist.

For example this badge still exists The Hidden Goat - Roblox
I also get no errors while awarding the badges.

The Game Explorer doesn’t load, it may be the cause of that…
But what glitch is it?

With an error

13:01:30.960 - Error while retrieving badge data: HttpError: NetFail
13:01:30.960 - Data returned from badge data failed.

The game explorer is a front-end tool and is unlikely to cause the problem. Game Explorer is not linked with the game page directly. The problem persists in the back-end. The issues seems to break many other things.

In fact I was trying to say: the Game Explorer not loading is one of the result of the glitch…

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Having similar issues. NetFail HttpError, and whenever a badge is being awarded to a player, the server seems to crash. May be because I’m using :IsLegal() and :IsDisabled(), unsure, is anyone else using those functions when awarding badges?

:IsLegal() and IsDisabled() is Deprecated. You should change your way of awarding badges. Server has no issues on my side.

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Really? Had no idea. I’ll change it and see if that changes anything.

Edit: Seems to have fixed the crashing issue - thanks for informing me those are deprecated!

I am having an issue too, players cannot teleport to a place inside my game. This was fine yesterday and nothing was updated.


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The Badge API Endpoint is having issues right now (net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET @, it is a matter of time until this gets resolved by Roblox Engineers.

This may also be happening to other API Endpoints, but I am not sure as of right now.
All I can suggest right now is wait and let the Roblox Engineers identify the issue and fix it.

EDIT 1: Same error happens with, while throws a 404 making it impossible to edit account settings currently. It seems like this is a wide spread issue now which can/is affecting the entire platform and not just some parts of it.

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I am having the same issue. Checked my game visits this morning and freaked out lol. Teleportation still works in my game, however.

Huge problem if you have any sort of badge check that is not in a pcall in your main game loop. Caused us a few problems earlier as we dropped from a couple hundred to 2 players.

Always wrap calls to Roblox API in a pcall.

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We are following up on this and making sure the right people see this thread, thank you for reporting.

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I have noticed it earlier that much apis are currently unavailable.

Edit: I have found out that these apis currently are unavailable.

This should be fixed now. Let us know if you are still having issues.


The apis seem to be running well again! :smiley: Thanks for fixing! :muscle:

I can affirm, works as expected again.

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