Issues with ScrollingFrame

Okay so I’m trying to make a texting system for my project.
Pretty much like discord but without all the extras. That’s beside the point though.

I’m having trouble with the ScrollingFrame not adding more space when I add in frames. I have a UIListLayout in there, and I add the frames through a ModuleScript.

Another problem I’m having is when I add text to a TextLabel inside to the point it becomes bigger, the whole frame gets stretched bigger.

I know the cause of this, (Since sizing is in scale, when the frame gets bigger through automaticSize the size of the other objects also gets bigger making it appear stretched), but I don’t know how to fix it.

Help is much appreciated.

For automatic sizing, you should be using offset in the axis you want it to automatically size (in this case, the y value of the messages should be in offset instead of scale.). LMK if you are already doing that, and I can try to help further

Nope, it’s scaled in the Y direction, and the reason is that I want it not looking weird on different devices. Is there any way of having it be in offset but at the same time have it look pretty much the same on all devices?

You’d have to write a script which multiplies offset with a ratio (studio screen size/device screen size or in reverse I’m not sure)

Could I use an UIAspectRatioConstraint? Cause I’m not sure how I would do that

You could try I think it can maybe work.

It worked with the issue that I was having, but I still have the persistent issue of the scrollingframe not adding enough space to see the objects and also now a new issue that makes them position above each other (caused by the aspectratioconstraint.)

You could use the solution I suggested before. It worked for my games before

Oh yeah, I found out something else: When the frame gets bigger through automatic size, only the position of the children changes and not the size. Is there some sort of way to have the position stay the same?

Issue still persists.
Here are a few things I’ve tried:

  1. Adding a UIAspectRatioConstraint
    Results: Made it so that the frame doesn’t stretch, but frames overlap and no scrolling at all.

  2. Making size be in Y offset
    Results: Made it so scrolling works perfectly, but there’s still stretching and looks bad on different devices because of offset.

I found something similar to what you said, and with a bit of extra coding I managed to make it work. Thanks for your suggestion!

(Here’s the code I found: Converting Scale to Offset - #20 by Lielmaster)

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