Item bypassed my Capacity Limit

nope I am not using a localscript

I still get an ā€œattempt to index nil with ā€˜leaderstatsā€™ā€ error and I am using a Script not a LocalScript

Thatā€™s because it cannot find the Player then. Try checking why the player variable is nil.

Also, game.Players.LocalPlayer isnā€™t accessible by normal Scripts and will always return nil.

You can use math.clamp() for this (if over max, returns max)

	if player.leaderstats.Strength.Value >= script.Capacity.Value then
		game.Workspace.MainEvent.Disabled = true
	elseif player.leaderstats.Strength.Value < script.Capacity.Value then
	    game.Workspace.MainEvent.Disabled = false
    player.leaderstats.Strength.Value = math.clamp(player.leaderstats.Strength.Value, 0, script.Capacity.Value)

Iā€™m not sure how youā€™re supposed to do this but it didnā€™t work

	if plr then
		if (game.Players.LocalPlayer.leaderstats.Strength.Value + 3) > script.Capacity then
			script.Parent.MainEvent.Disabled = true
			plr.leaderstats.Strength.Value = script.Capacity.Value
		else if (game.Players.LocalPlayer.leaderstats.Strength.Value + 3) < script.Capacity then
				script.Parent.MainEvent.Disabled = false

AddStrength0 is the Event that my item fires whenever you click
the code on line 2 solved the ā€œattempt to index nil with ā€˜leaderstatsā€™ā€ error

it sometimes work and sometimes it donā€™tā€¦

Is the Capacity object a NumberValue? If so, you are comparing a number to an instance. Do script.Capacity.Value instead.

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i did try this and nope it still not workingā€¦

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Are there any errors in the output?

there are no errorsā€¦ there are no errors on the outputā€¦

Use math.min() on the added values. Just enter the capacity as an argument.

For example:

local valX, valY = 7, 8
local cap = 10

local resultVal = math.min(valX + valY, cap) -- 10


local valX, valY = 2, 5
local cap = 10

local resultVal = math.min(valX + valY, cap) -- 7

you can just clamp, this article explains it ā†’ math | Roblox Creator Documentation

It does not workā€¦ It still exceeds the limit but deducts it back to the limit after I click for the second time

	if player.leaderstats.Strength.Value >= script.Capacity.Value then
		game.Workspace.MainEvent.Disabled = true
	elseif player.leaderstats.Strength.Value < script.Capacity.Value then
		game.Workspace.MainEvent.Disabled = false
	player.leaderstats.Strength.Value = math.clamp(player.leaderstats.Strength.Value, 0, script.Capacity.Value)

How do you do this? Iā€™m not that advance yet

Wherever youā€™re adding the values, you should use math.min() like I did in those two examples. math.min returns the smallest of the values you pass in. Because of this, we can essentially limit the output of whatever number youā€™re inserting. If I want the player to be able to gain coins, but not be able to have more than 100 at a time, then I would write something like:

local resultVal = math.min(playerCoins.Value + 5, 100) -- for the purpose of demonstration, each coin pickup gives 5 coins

If the player has 98 coins when picking up the coin, then playerCoins.Value + 5 would be 103. But we passed 100 into math.min, which is smaller than 103. Therefore, resultVal will be equal to 100.


If your problem has been solved, please mark the solution!

I donā€™t know if this is correct or not but when I click it gives 10 (The capacity of my backpack) rather than what it was scripted to give ( 1 or 3 with gamepass)

player.leaderstats.Strength.Value = math.min(script.Capacity.Value + 3, 10)

Since this is starting to get hopeless I decided to scrap the backpack Idea

Look at what you wrote. You put script.Capacity.Value, which I assume is equal to ten. Thatā€™s always going to return 13. You need to pay more attention to what youā€™re writing before you throw in the towel on things like this.

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Oh my god bro I already deleted a lot of stuff relating to the backpackā€¦