Item GUI with "ViewPortFrames"

Hi I have close to 0 idea how viewportframes work I just watched a video about it and I was wondering if anyone knew how to make a script that puts the item in the viewport frame and the camera it uses is based off the size of the object and it moves the camera to the position so it is centered.

I’ll be trying to make a script for it while I wait for a reply I will send the script when I make it!

If you want to fit the model to the viewport frame you should read this post by @EgoMoose

If you only want to position the camera, I would recommend doing it manually by changing the viewport camera properties and placing every item on the same position the camera is looking at.
For example, what I did for an inventory on a prototype of mine was center every item / dummy on the same position, 0, 0) and make 1 camera for it.

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this did not work but I wrote a script and it worked so I don’t know what to make the Solution?

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