I think “be deleted” is a bit harsh, if these go unfixed I wouldn’t mind having these up as a glimpse into the past. But yeah, having these fixed would be nice.
The Void Star Gift Box was always a grey brick with the plastic material, it’s a trophy for the fourteen players who solved the original Mysterious Object riddles. There’s nothing to update over it, and deleting it would be disrespectful to those who were worthy.
All winners will have discovered at this point that there Mysterious Object III has become The Void Star Gift Box, and they will have in their inventory a fierce-looking crown known as The Void Star. It’s current market value is 20,000 tickets. The Void Star is on sale now; the Gift Box is intended as a momento for those who solved my fiendish riddles. There are only 14 in existance.
The Teapot Mech was originally the “HumongousTeapot”, spanning roughly 15x8x10 studs. Was likely used by clockwork back in the day to have a little fun. Not sure if there’s a good way to restore this one today considering many games with custom avatar editors expect hats to reasonably fit around the avatar.
As for the Teapot Turrets, looks like they’re both weaker variants of the true Teapot Turret. If and only if clockwork were the one wearing this hat, they could chat the phrase “CLOCKWORK INVOKES TEAPOT DOOM!” and summon rockets to blow up everyone in the server. Again, not really sure there’s a good way to restore this one, but I wouldn’t go out of my way to delete it considering the history behind it.
local Rocket = Instance.new("Part")
local hat = script.Parent
Rocket.Locked = true
Rocket.BackSurface = 3
Rocket.BottomSurface = 3
Rocket.FrontSurface = 3
Rocket.LeftSurface = 3
Rocket.RightSurface = 3
Rocket.TopSurface = 3
Rocket.Size = Vector3.new(1,1,4)
Rocket.BrickColor = BrickColor.new(23)
hat.RocketScript:clone().Parent = Rocket
hat.Explosion:clone().Parent = Rocket
hat.Swoosh:clone().Parent = Rocket
enabled = false
function fire(vTarget)
local dir = vTarget - hat.Handle.Position
dir = dir.unit
local missile = Rocket:clone()
local pos = hat.Handle.Position + (dir * 6)
--missile.Position = pos
missile.CFrame = CFrame.new(pos, pos + dir)
local creator_tag = Instance.new("ObjectValue")
missile.RocketScript.Disabled = false
missile.Parent = game.Workspace
function trigger(msg, recipient)
enabled = true
if(msg == "...") then
enabled = false
if(string.sub(msg,1,6) ~= "Teapot") then return end
-- Teapot, pwn <person>!
name = string.sub(msg,13,-2)
children = game.Players:children()
for i=1,#children do
if(children[i].Name == name) then fire(children[i].Character.Torso.Position) end
while hat.Parent.Name == "Workspace" do wait(2) end
print("Hat picked up")
name = hat.Parent.Name
if(name ~= "clockwork") then return end
print("Clockwork confirmed")
while true do
if(enabled == true) then
children = game.Players:children()
target = children[math.random(1,#children)]
if (target.Name ~= "clockwork") then fire(target.Character.Torso.Position) end
I think that all the grey brick hats should be restored to whatever forms they had before being turned that way as it’s a nice reminder of Roblox history even if they are usually just dupes of hats that ended up releasing. Although I think the teapots and o noes should especially be restored as they’re unique items. The only hat that couldn’t really be restored is hat amalgamation as it just wouldn’t work properly (unless Roblox wanted to make a new unique item like a hat stack potentially).
These were versions made by the Games account and the other is likely made by the Roblox/Builderman account.
The one with the correct mesh was made by the clockwork account and later moved ownership to Roblox. I don’t feel too strongly about the other two that are just grey bricks but they should probably just be removed/archived. It would be nice if ownership of clockwork’s assets were changed back to be owned by the clockwork account though.
Personally, my intention is NOT to get these items deleted I worded it incorrectly on the post and I do apologize for that. But, I believe that these items should be corrected from gray blocks to the actual mesh it was meant to be, I suppose when I was thinking of “delete” I was thinking of them renaming it completely to “Test-Item” to be honest.
I don’t believe mine is a copy of yours, my post contains 3/4 different ones. Granted you put “Teapot Mech” while I’ve included other items which is NOT a copy of yours. Yes, I could’ve provided a quote of the “Teapot mech” which you’ve included in a reply to another OP’s subject. One item off isn’t a copy and if so wasn’t intentional.
We were able to restore both Turrets, but were unable to pull the source files for Mech from our servers (which is extremely unusual). The turret does turn yellow when equipped though.
On a related note on the turrets, we know the turrets are yellow, but based on how it was configured, we were not able to get the turrets to show up as yellow in the thumbnails.
As one of our members commented above, the Giftbox is just a gray box, so no changes there.
Thank you for fixing the items! These items will finally have a item rather than an empty box forever left on Roblox. It’s nice to see these items to be fixed.
I believe teapot mech was simply just a gray teapot so it might’ve just been a teapot mesh with no texture with the standard brick color. However due to these accessories being dupes of the teapot turret it’d be cool to see these have the looks of the older versions of the existing teapot turret (the red and gray gradient versions)