It's possible Exploiters intercept and fire BindableEvent (Server to Server)

Well in this case if the button is going to be increasing a value on the server through a Remote would be the best way, but keep in mind this can be exploitable.

I suggest you do a few things. On the server script create a bool value inside the player and set it to false then when this remote is fired check if its false and if it is let the players value increase then set the value to true for a few seconds and then false again (this is just so an exploiter can loop fire the remote and increase the value a ridiculous amount)

Keep in mind even with this suggestion an exploiter could still automatically increase this value without clicking anything in the game.

That was for something else where he was doing server to server communication.

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I can check if player is holding the item, If not he wont get stats :wink:

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If you check this on the server then that’s some extra security that would be beneficial, so go ahead and do it :+1:

Because on Power simulator Exploiters can start training all Stats in the same time … this is toxic (make 0 difference when you are Strong because increase a little, but on beggin is toxic)

Sorry what do you mean by ‘toxic’ I don’t understand.

Like ANT-GAME, bad, etcc, got it ?

Not really I am sorry, is your issue fixed now though?

Yes, man thanks for helpme, i already selected soluction

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