It's possible to disable terrain collision?

I want to know if is possible to disable terrain collision, with a specific part (but player needs to touch this part!)

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Yes it is! On the terrain there is a propriety called “Collison group” using this propriety you can turn on and off the collide of espeficis objects! You can check out this api-reference if you never used collision group: PhysicsService | Roblox Creator Documentation . Hope I helped :slight_smile:


Thank you, i’ll try, if i make what in trying to do i’ll give you a solution!

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local PhysicsService = game:GetService("PhysicsService")

local Terrain = "Terrain"
local Boats = "Boats"

-- Create two collision groups


-- Add an object to each group
PhysicsService:SetPartCollisionGroup(workspace.Terrain, Terrain)
PhysicsService:SetPartCollisionGroup(workspace.part1, Boats)

PhysicsService:CollisionGroupSetCollidable(Boats, Terrain, false)

-- I made this and it worked, now part collide with other parts, but doesn't collide with terrain.
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