Jailbreak train platform system?

Wow. Thank you so much, this thread has gone unnoticed for such a long time and i lost all hopes. Ill be sure to give you credit whenever i use this.


No problem! I’m glad I could help!


Whats funny is that I was literally just looking for this and you posted a solution 40 mins ago lmao

Thanks my dude https://gyazo.com/a7ce4055d9cc3305451c77a15651b76d


Do you have any idea why it doesn’t work for body movers? I seem to get pulled around a lot for some reason and then I get flung off when the plane moves fast https://gyazo.com/3590beb2155a8d7271a4ad77d2ab4e52


I’ve never tried it with body movers so I’m not sure. My only idea is that something could be conflicting with it, because as long as the part is not anchored or welded to another anchored part Roblox tries to keep the player on it themselves.


Yeah I realised that. My current plan is to make a “fake” part that gets put to the position of the floor every second, and then Ill use that for the platform.


Thanks so much. Really helped me out. I noticed that if there is something blocking the ray from hitting the “RaftTop” it won’t move you.

Here is what I did to stop that.

--Replace Ignore with this.
local Whitelist = {} -- Table of Every "RaftTop"  (You could just make a model or folder for it.)

local ray = Ray.new(RootPart.CFrame.p,Vector3.new(0,-50,0))

local Hit, Position, Normal, Material = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithWhitelist(ray,Whitelist)

Hello there! I have been struggling to get this script working properly. I have been testing this out on a boat witch contains of some models not a part. I have not figured out how to get it working and I had been glad to get some help with my problem, since i am not a professional scripter. Every little help works!


It only works if the model is being Cframed.


When I did the improvement. was the game sending many error messages and didn’t stop. The “player” error was a nil value, and when I replaced the variable with “player” it didn’t work.

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Like below, you have to specify what the player is.

local Players = game:GetService(“Players”)
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

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How do I specify what the player is so everyone who touches it gets Cframed with it? keep in mind that I am not a professional scripter.

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Try on touched, otherwise i recommend making it a local script inside of the players starter player scripts.


Hey, thank you a lot. this worked and I appreciate for your help.


How would that work? Roblox still tries to keep the player onto the platform.

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There’s a lot of good information on this thread.

I was able to get the client to stand/move on a platform smoothly, but I’m having difficulty replicating other clients positions without them lagging behind and stuttering.

On the server after every time I CFrame the platform do I send the clients the relative CFrame like below?

local TrainCF = TrainCF 
local Rel = TrainCF * LastTrainCF:Inverse()

LastTrainCF = TrainCF

I think this is a problem with humanoid replication, as i renmeber before the new “walking on moving platforms” came out with the replication fix, users would allways lag behind the platform.

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Well the “walking on moving platforms” is for unanchored parts.

What I posted was all CFraming

Does anybody have any ideas on how to stop the jitter of other players? Only the localplayer looks stable, everybody else thats on the platform is all over the place


Doubt theres a simple way other than making your own character replication system while the user is on the platform.

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