Japanese Style House

You need to use Bloxstrap for that, I believe.

Great build! It’s slightly empty around the house, but you probably haven’t worked on that yet.

(edit): I really wish I could build… lol. Any tips? What was the process behind making this?


-This is a feature built-in with the freecamera Roblox has(works only as the developer of the game), I’ve done it before without bloxstrap (although the script might not actually be the free camera script, I’m not sure)


Interesting! We know that the Freecam script is in PlayerGui, so it would be cool to see how they hide CoreGui from a developer level.


Looks super beautiful! Very impressive build using just Studio :star_struck: The one thing is the grass looks a bit tall, so it looks as though the building is tiny. The giant trees in the background contribute to this, although I like giant trees so feel like you should keep that. But yeah the scale just looks a teeny bit off right now :slight_smile: Good luck with your future work!


Not bad but I believe everything can have some criticism put into it. And so can this!

First of all it would be better if you made some details in blender as it allows for pixel perfect details and the imported meshes are also quite performant friendly! And the meshes also just look better overall.

Second thing is that I am not really a huge fan of the tall grass. Maybe lower it down a bit? Also on the topic of environment I am also not a huge fan of the fact that a home in the middle of a seemingly odd spot in a jungle? I am sure it should have atleast a road or a path going to a road?!? Maybe try taking inspiration on how actual japense homes are located?

Also you haven’t showed the interior. If you have made it then I would love to see how it looks from the inside!


As much as I want this to be true, it sadly is not true. You can not disable coregui in any way unless you tamper with it using some third party service like Bloxstrap as said by @bluebxrrybot.


It does? I just tested it in studio

edit: and it also works in-game. forgot to say that, I’ve tested it ingame. as a developer of the game


In studio it does work but who cares about studio? The real deal is the client.


Firstly, thank you for taking your time to give some feedback

I 100% agree with this, I’ve been stubborn with using just Studio for a while but I’m planning on finally properly learning Blender during the following year as it has countless benefits to it.

I agree with this as well, the grass is a little tall as I wanted it to be a more isolated environment, sort of a vacation house maybe? Just isolated within a forest, hence the grass is also taller, unfortunately Roblox doesn’t allow me to resize the grass in certain areas (at least to my knowledge) that way I could make the grass nearing the house gradually get smaller as to seem more taken care of, if you do know of a way to do this please let me know, as making my own grass manually and animating it seems like a bit of a hassle, but yes, I’ll tone down the size a bit.
As for the tree size, I agree they’re quite big, but I do kind of like the vibe it gives off so I’ll keep it.

As I’ve mentioned it is indeed a bit empty and it’s not the final product, I’ll be adding paths merging throughout the forest with lamps and perhaps artifacts of some sort, so it’ll end up not looking like a random taken care of structure in the middle of nowhere, but rather a cozy resort

No interior as of yet, I’ll get to making one eventually though it would have to be a teleporter to a different location, as the actual inside space is too cramped and messy to work with. But yes, I do plan on adding an interior.

Again, thanks for the feedback, I’ll take these points into account!


Amazing! I will be looking forward to the progress on this house. I do understand the vacation home and all but even a vacation home still has some pathway to it you know?


Probably what helped me the most was looking at references and trying to remake it as 1:1 as possible, obviously it’s good to make something of your own or add your own twists every once in a while, but building off of references helped me improve immensely, I also suggest you watch some speed builds on YouTube to see how others get to work or what tricks they use.

For example, here’s the reference I used for this build

As for building maps I suggest this in depth guide: Advanced Guide to Efficient Building - Covers workflow and extremely effective plugins

It explains it really well and helped me increase my workflow, make sure to take a look at the plugins listed, speeds up the process by a lot!

Additionally I wanna add that if something doesn’t turn out great or how you expected it to be, that’s completely okay and you should keep trying, practice is the best way to learn pretty much anything.

I wish you much luck!


Thank you Czar, very cool!



It looks amazing! Great job on this build! You should definitely consider exploring Blender—it can really enhance your workflow and open up new possibilities for your creations. (Im sure you already been told this or know that)

Anyways keep up the fantastic work!

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This Japanese House looks VERY good and realistic! Nice job on it!

This build is awesome! I love the details and the thought behind the setting around the main build as well. I appreciate that my post helped you out with your workflow and hope it serves you well in the future.

I couldn’t agree more! Building requires a lot more than sticking a few pieces together. If it’s an original piece you have to subconsciously think about how colours blend well with each other, the size and proportions and how you want to influence the players’ experience. It’s a fun journey and could even build skills that can benefit you in the professional world (like interior design or working for a studio).

After all these years, I could’ve never brought myself to make a dojo because the ones I made before were awful so I never tried again so I found it so awesome that you made this! It looks amazing. The lighting is a touch of detail that really brings everything together.

Keep up the good work!

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Any plugin?? I don’t see how you could do that.

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By solely Roblox studio I meant no external softwares were used. Obviously I used several plugins to speed and ease up the process!


Oh ok haha! May I ask what they are?

Looking back, for this build in specific I didn’t use that many plugins or as often, primarily Archimedes for the roof, MaterialFlip to fix wood grain and Reflect to easily mirror walls.

The creator marketplace page for the 2 latter plugins seems to be gone, so here’s another plugin I found which includes those same tools as well as other useful ones such as Gapfill & ResizeAlign by @/stravant:


May check that out, thank you!

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