Jespone's guide to animations

Thanks Jespone! Explaining splines and how they affect ins and outs is always tough, but I think your videos did a great job explaining the differences.


Very well made and informative guide.

You should add how to make Custom Rigs

How do I make the Animation not bounce back to it’s start?

Let’s say I’m making a dashing Animation


Are you for hire?


You have it looping, to disable loop click again in this icon at the top left. image
I’m not for hire at this moment. :sweat_smile:

To do a dash like that you have to do it through maths, not animations. You still can add an animation to do the effect of dashing but to move it like that you have to do it scripting.


I meant bouncing back like this

Has no other scripts in it but this


I am going to assume that it’s because the HumanoidRootPart doesn’t move it stays where it starts, so if I want to the Character stay where the Animation ends I’ll have to use a script to move the HumanoidRootPart?

I see so the animation is just for visuals.

That is too bad, I need an Animator.


Moving the character forwards in an animation it’s a sin (in game animation). Make sure it ends at the same position it started.
Once you scripted the character to move to a side you can do it to play an animation to the character at the same time. But to animate it make sure it’s standing at the same point, you can move all the parts, the root and more. But don’t make it move because players will be moving when doing them already so it sometimes will do the player get out of the screen, you want the character to stand in the player’s screen so just make it do the animation but don’t move it forward, backward or to a side.


Wow this is really helpful. Thanks for letting us know!

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Good stuff man.

This is off topic but am I the only one that just sees ads for every video?


Yeah it’s because I’m using streamable to put the videos but I’m changing it ASAP. Probably later or tomorrow.


You can use animations for this, just dont move the character via the animation, do it with CFrame math or BodyForces.

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whenever i play my inventory animations it works, but for the animations that move away from the initial position, it slides back to the position it started in, my question is, is there a way to relocate the player to wherever the animation ends up (smoothly; without it looking choppy).(edited)

Just wanted to say your videos no longer seem to work.


This is happening for me too for some weird reason

Still does not work, unfornately

tragic. this is like the only good guide to animating.

Well there are always other sources to learn other animation than roblox, Blender has an animator too

yes, but i really wanted to learn animation on moon animator

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This wasnt for moon animation specifically, You can apply it to all types of animation no matter what it may be!

sorry to bump this post, but alot of the links and images are broken


its helpful ty but your image are private or deleted

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This is a REALLY Good Tutorial, For those who want even more information you can go to YT and look up “All Animation Principles”, AlanBecker explains it SUPER well too

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