Jumping in roblox studio became a lot more difficult

I tried to make the category best fit the issue.

Recently I’ve noticed jumping from one platform to another has become harder in studio. Before you could be on the corner and jump off. Now you must be fully on the platform to jump.

Its hard to explain with text or video, but jumping got harder in roblox studio and its really hard to test obby stages now.

Is there a fix/workaround to this, thanks.


Send a video, might be able to help.

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It may happen because of that

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You can Change The Properties of jumping in the Game Settings, open them, go to world, customize Gravity or Jump Power / Height.

If that was the case, you wouldnt be able to do this:

im not good at this thing (whatever its called) lol.

the Parts are anchored with no sizes changed, no gaps, no ledges

This is not what he was talking about

Thats kinda what the topic is saying, im reading it and i see:

Thats not exactly the case unless im completely missing something.

As i said this is not the case. Imagine you’re running on a platform and you’re at the very corner and you jump while running off this corner

Thats is not an issue and has always been there, since the Player’s Input is Jumping as soon as the game detects you are off the platform (Or The Very Corner), you will fall and the game will therefore, not detect your input.

Many games has been using this tactic when player was jumping off a corner very late, even roblox

This is one of those cases where you jump off very late.

Please, explain, i would like to hear more in case im missing something.

Edit: I am an idiot, i am sorry, did not Notice BETA

@getdownhacktomen Ok, so

I am noticing this in the new Humanoid Physic’s

Are you only experiencing this in Studio?
What Beta Features do you have enabled if so?

If you identify a beta feature that causes this, that would be a bug and we need to fix it.

Yes this is only a problem I have in studio. Mobile and desktop don’t have this.

I have all the beta features enables for studio

would this feature be the problem?

You tell me. Do still have the issue if you turn it off?

Appears to be fixed. If you can answer, was this a bug or an intended feature?