Kevin Macleod songs are blocked

All songs by Kevin are not on the toolbox anymore. Kevin’s songs are royalty free and copyright free and can be used in games/videos and such.

When uploading a Kevin Macleod song, it instantly gets deleted.

I dont get a message saying it was deleted for copyright.

edit: roblox is marking them as copyright. but they arent copyrighted

What’s happening?


Have you tried other songs? Maybe it’s an issue with every song.

it is an issue with every kevin macleod song.

I think this is because of the new Roblox asset privacy for audio

Are you sure this doesn’t happen with any other artist??

that doesnt make sense tho at all

Nvm roblox is marking them as copyright. but they arent copyrighted

Oh, ok makes sense. Glad you found the issue.

@BigScriptus @LandnBlu Roblox is cracking down on copyrighted audio that shouldn’t be on the site, but they have yet to provide a way for users to verify licenses. Unfortunately, this impacts a lot of Creative Commons and user-licensed audio.

I know songs from artists like Kevin Macleod are openly stated as Creative Commons (not copyright-free), but the current copyright-flagging system is pretty strict and will flag anything it recognizes.


Oh alright, makes sense and thanks for the explanation.