Keyframe easing direction is inverted

Animations that are uploaded to Roblox don’t match what is shown in Roblox’s animation editor when easing directions are applied. The animation editor shows the animation with the easing direction inverted, and therefore isn’t an accurate representation of the animation a developer will get in-game.

Here is an animation being previewed in the animation editor running on the left rig, and the uploaded version of the animation on the right rig:
Both animations have the same keyframes, and easing directions set.

Here is the animation editor preview with the easing directions inverted (‘In’ to ‘Out’, and ‘Out’ to ‘In’), and the same uploaded animation as before:
Both animations have the same keyframes, but the animation editor rig has inverted easing directions.

Expected behavior

The animation being played in the editor should accurately match the final upload result, flipping the easing direction within the plugin will fix this.


Note: this only happens for Cubic EasingStyles (?)

All of the easing styles seem to be inverted, here I’m using ‘Constant’ on the RightUpperLeg, ‘Cubic’ on the Head, ‘Elastic’ on the LeftUpperArm, and ‘Bounce’ on the RightUpperArm.

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They refuse to fix this bug for backwards compatibility. That’s why I use Moon Animator.

“Constant” on the leg looks like it is behaving incorrectly, and the “Cubic” direction is noticeably inverted in the head. I’m having a hard time identifying if the arms are acting incorrectly, or if they are just played out of sync.

Follow along here! Animation cubic easing direction reversed